FieldAP or Field activity planer from FutureOn, it is a cloud-based digital platform for offshore engineering that enables you a rapid visual workflow, and you can easily merge with your other engineering software, backend systems or other organization software whether for field design or planning, or activity scheduling…
FieldAP is unique for its software solution since it offers 100% cloud-based approach. You can move your engineering knowledge and assets to the cloud. FieldAP makes smart assets that store configuration data, engineering and costing, and just by clicking an asset, it becomes part of your project, in an instant!

Source: MyVenturePad
One of its best features is bringing your assets to life through 3D visual twin representations with field layout. Since we are mostly visual creatures, and it is way easier for us to understand something if it is presented visually, through 3D visualization, you will be able to realize your ideas and make smarter decisions. It is easy to use, all assets move in tandem, instant recalculation of costs, MetaData and timelines. All information is accessible at any time and is relevant as well. Â You can switch from 3D to 2D in a mater of seconds, depending on what type of visualization do you prefer.
The good aspect of FieldAP is ease of collaboration. Language barriers and communication errors or misunderstandings can sometimes present a difficulty. Through FieldAP you can collaborate on your project globally in Real-Time! FieldAP involves stakeholders, and subject experts into the project, they can see, participate, bring their knowledge and advice, and make more decisions. This way you reduce errors, save time and make a greater impact on the outcome.
Key Features
Engineering couldn’t be more interesting with field layout module with easy drag and drop, create new or replicate already placed layouts, and easily connect assets (once connected, automatically associated), simple as drawing lines(that stand for pipes, connectors) and all in short time. The most useful thing about it is selecting and moving entire sections in bulk and/or moving to other parts.  Also includes ‘’what if’’ analytics, ‘’clone’’ features for multiple designs, comparison features, and Bathymetry for calculating connection lengths, etc. With this layout, imagination is your only limit!

Source: FutureOn
Asset Library ; Â Project Dashboard and Security
This feature allows digitizing and adding subsea or topside assets for detailed layouts. Smart assets contain metadata for specifications, costing details and so on. So when adding other assets the project updates immediately and reflects values already stored in assets. By opening the dashboard, you can have immediate access to all projects belonging to your company (or to projects that you have permission for). Most recent projects are displayed on top, while others are displayed on the list. Management is pretty easy even if you have a plethora of projects since you can add specific attributes values and assets for better search orientation. Cost and well data and other sensitive data can be allowed for certain users only if wanted to. System administrators can add or invite users to use the interface. They can open projects that are assigned to them and are able to edit only on the copied project. (Authentication options on Google Identity, Azure AD and others). All data is encrypted using SSL. Great thing to secure collaboration.
REST API is a useful thing for cost-saving digital workflow, you can interface existing systems with activity planner to utilize existing data. Add, edit, update or delete attributes, populate values through MS excel or retrieve Object geometry or 3D field for engineering reuse.
For now, FieldAP and FutureOn prove as client-centric. Since this is a modern browser-based software, we highly recommend you to book an online demo to try it yourself.