The question of attraction is an old one, and the answer is different whether from women or from a man each time when asked. From the perception of a woman there can be a dozen of reasons why she is interested in a man and gets really attached to him, but for the majority of guys, the first glance on a woman instantly makes a difference to him. The chemical reaction in the brain is equal to the attraction meaning the increasing interest in the person in front you. What are the first things that can couth the eye of a man just passing bay, is the color of the hair, the look in your eyes, good makeup, firm bottom, waist or noticeable breasts? Every woman has her beauty looked inside of her, and shows it when she wants to, but for men, these mentioned visual signs are the magnet for future interest.
Source: The Idle ManThe look in the eye of a woman gets thoughts in a man’s head that can stay there for a long time and create a nonexistent opinion of attraction in a second. What was that, is she looking at me, should a look back are just the first thoughts that cross the mind like bullets ricocheting in the brain. The color and the style of the hair is so important here because it rounds up that facial first impression which is of enormous importance. After that, the focus is quickly switched to something specific on the face, usually the eyes or the movement and the look of the lips. This is an arsenal of tools for women to play with and the opposite side to handle.

Source: Time Magazine
The next desirable and noticeable part that has to be mentioned is, of course, the breasts. Some prefer to see big, some adore natural and some even small breasts, but to the first glance, even women measure each other to the looks of their breasts. It is known that the shape and the size have been a topic of increased or decreased self-confidence in a women life. The way women have tried to bridge the gap is with plastic surgery, one of the solutions are breast enhancement pills, broa enhancers, etc.
An important detail is not to lose focus on your self-confidence in this part and embrace your looks in all its glory.
Source: 247Latestnews.comThe bottom is often regarded as a tool of seduction, without even trying to use it. When a man “scans” the opposite side in a discrete way this is the way to get a superficial understanding of you and your body. Giving so much attention to the bottom tells much more to women than to man.
Long-legged females have in previous times been admired like gods, but through time this has decreased according to research done recently. As we said different looks attract different types of men, knowing how to use them is the part that separates a divine from a good looking woman.

Remember, every each member of the gentler pole is enriched with beauty and self-confidence. The second part is crucial, you are, and you will always be beautiful you just have to show that when you want to and to whom you revered your-self to.