Latest news in our insane feline overlords: One of them decided to head to Florida for the winter because she just freaking felt like it. Typical asshole cat, right?
Nadia, a gorgeous Russian Blue whose human owner is Cheri Stocker, disappeared on Christmas Eve this past December 2015.
I guess Nadia decided she wanted a break from the cold Wisconsin snow and preferred to live out her winter in warm Boca Raton with a bunch of New York Jewish retirees, eh?
Cheri was afraid Nadia died in the winter, saying that she doesn’t have a thick enough coat of fur to withstand the harsh winters. But then she received a call from a Naples woman who found Nadia with her microchip and sent her back on a plane to Wisconsin.
Here is Cheri reunited with her beloved cat baby. Aww.
Damn cats!
[AP]Original by Katrin Higher @KatraHigher