Burned out? Exhausted? Stressed? Whether you’re overwhelmed by work at the office, pulled in all directions by your kids at home, or are still learning the ropes of getting through college, every woman has had one of those days when she’s on the verge of going bonkers. Here are 100 things you can do to help get yourself together if you’re depressed, anxious, or feeling kind of kooky.

Source: whitespacestudio
- Take a private yoga class.
- Lie on your bed with your eyes closed and meditate for 15 minutes.
- Book an acupuncture appointment.
- Go shopping and buy one thing that will make you happy.
- Call your best friend and cry.
- Find a shrink.
- Take a 30-minute walk around your neighborhood.
- Indulge in your guilty pleasure food, whether it’s pickles or a bacon maple bar.
- Write a list of 100 things you could do to make yourself feel better.
- Look for a new job. You might not find one, but job shopping can shift your focus.
- Volunteer.
- Go through your closet and donate every article of clothing you haven’t worn for a year.
- Watch a cute cat do something cute.
Source: unsplash.com
- Take a new car for a test drive.
- Borrow your girlfriend’s kid for three hours and remember what it’s like to play.
- Get adjusted by a chiropractor.
- Start a blog.
- Take a photograph.
- Go to church.
- Read a book.
- Join an online dating site.
- Smile at everyone you encounter in one day and see what happens.
- Locate your significant other and spoon.
- Get a manicure.
- Call up your favorite family member and talk about ridiculous things you did when you were little.
- Give your mood a soundtrack on Stereomood.
- Have a glass of wine.
Source: maxim
- Play miniature golf.
- See a movie by yourself in the middle of the day.
- Sit at the bar at that restaurant you’ve always wanted to go to and eat that meal you’ve always wanted to eat.
- Run a bubble bath and soak.
- Watch “Sex and the City” reruns without guilt.
- Drink more water.
- Brew a cup of TAZO Zen green tea.
- Do a shoulder stand.
- Make dinner for your loved one.
- Adopt a fish.
- Start writing the Great American Novel.
- Drive to the beach and stick your feet in the sand.
- Ride the subway/bus, going nowhere in particular.
- Grab your iPod and sit by a fountain for an hour.
- Find a patch of grass, lie in it, and examine the clouds.
- See a psychic.
- Read your horoscope.
- Sing a song.
- Play an instrument.
- Do that thing that you’ve been putting off that you can’t stand putting off for one more second.
- Give yourself a home foot massage.
- Visit a museum or an art gallery.
Source: Park West Gallery
- Eat a vegetable stir fry.
- Go organic.
- Start recycling.
- Read to someone.
- Write a letter on a piece of paper and put it in the mail.
- Send an email to your 10 closest friends, telling them what you’re doing, and ask them what they’re doing.
- Ask your favorite coworker if she wants to get a drink after work.
- Stretch.
- Help someone else.
- Give it to a girl.
- Create a year-long project.
- Unplug for 24 hours: your phone, your computer, your iPod.
- Take a nap.
- Make a plan to face a fear.
- Get a blowout.
- Have sex.
Source: KK
- Masturbate.
- Laugh.
- Engage in creative visualization.
- Change your phone number.
- Change your email.
- Move.
- Plan a weekend getaway.
- Make a pilgrimage.
- Join Facebook and start friending.
- Join Twitter and start tweeting.
- Join Tumblr and start tumbling.
- Plan your wedding.
Source: star1045
- Eat more tofu.
- Get crafty.
- Turn the music up really loud and dance around the apartment for five minutes.
- Confess.
- Stand in the mirror and tell yourself 10 reasons why you’re great.
- Have a discussion with your internal organs.
- Buy a giant piece of paper, post it on the wall, and draw a map of where you want your life to go.
- Dye your hair red. Or blond. Or brown. Or black. Or whatever color it’s not.
- Make an appointment with a stylist for bangs.
- Hand a homeless person some cash.
- Pick one of 100 things that could make you feel better and do that one.
- Do lion’s breath.
- Tell someone you love them.
Source: womenshealthmag
- Envision someone who wronged you and forgive them.
- Talk to someone who lives in your apartment building who you’ve never talked to before.
- Decide you’ll host a party, pick a theme, and go to the party store for kooky party accessories.
- Stop drinking alcohol.
- Consider it could be worse.
- Get in touch with your inner-Pooh.
- Be water, my friend.
- Swim.
- Scream.
- I know it’ll be better tomorrow.
Got more? Share ‘em in the comments.
Original by Susannah Breslin