There’s an article this week in the Daily Mail UK admonishing a TV newscaster in England for wearing “more makeup than a drag queen” during a recent news report. The biggest problem was that she’s a feminist news correspondent. “Is it possible to be a feminist while wearing false eyelashes?” the writer — a self-defined “old-school feminist” asks. Uh, yeah, it is!
And after the jump, 15 other shocking things it’s possible for a woman to do and still call herself a feminist.

Source: AdobeStock
- Wear plunging necklines.
- Enjoy “chick lit.”
- Let a man pay.
- Change her last name when she marries.
- Flirt unabashedly.
- Enjoy the company of men more than women.
- Get waxed regularly.
- Watch the “Real Housewives” franchise and like it.
- Use her looks and sexuality to her advantage.
- Enjoy porn.
- Become a stay-at-home mom.
- Bake chocolate-chip cookies for her husband’s office party.
- Giggle.
- Wear a white wedding dress.
- Disagree with other women.

Photo by Toimetaja tõlkebüroo on Unsplash
Original by Wendy Atterberry