Men’s Health has another insightful article for its readers, this time on the 20 things a woman notices about a guy. Included are a few no-brainers like shoulder muscles (13), intelligence (14), and attire (16), but most of the list contains head-scratchers like “Your resemblance to a rock” (3), “Your lungs” (4), “Your resemblance to Spider Man” (8), and “Your belly button.” What?
Because most women I know aren’t sizing up a guy’s navel or his lungs — or his web-building abilities, for that matter — here’s a list of 15 things a woman really notices about a guy.

Source: Desired
- How he treats the waitstaff
- Whether he has clean sheets, toilet paper on the roll, and more than a six-pack in the fridge
- Wedding band or no?
- Tan line where a wedding band usually is?
- Has he hit on every other woman at the party before making his way to us?
- Posture: If it’s too straight, he probably isn’t
- .. .Especially if he’s carrying a Banana Republic shopping bag
- Is he well-groomed?
- Accents are hot
- Does he give up his seat in the subway to pregnant ladies and the elderly?
- Bonus points if he doesn’t sit with his legs splayed wide apart like a douche
- Man-purse, briefcase, messenger bag or backpack?
- Beer and Oreos in his grocery cart, or fish and fresh produce?
- Can we get a look at his teeth? Clean and mostly straight, check!
- Does he make us want to jump his bones?

Source: JION
Original by Wendy Atterberry