Brad Pitt used to be one of the sexiest men in the world, but as time passed by, he started to take less care of himself, and he got a reputation of Stinky Daddy at one point. We are nobody to judge, but here are ten reasons why the Hollywood actor isn’t all that good to be with at the moment.
1. Hairstyle

Source: Getty Images
His hairstyle sometimes seems a little too greasy than it should be. The way he is styling it also seems too lazy and untamed, and it makes him look older than he really is.
2. Alcohol

Source: In Touch Weekly
We are all aware by now that the actor had some extreme alcohol abuse, and that is one of the most unattractive things in a person. He claims he is sober now, but all those years of alcohol in your system take a toll on your physical appearance, as well as your mental state.
3. Facial hair

Source: Business Insider
Beards are a thing, but Brad Pitt’s beards aren’t. Nobody was a fan of his long goatee, and it doesn’t make him look clean and fresh either.
4. Cigarettes

Source: High Resolution Wallpaper
Besides alcohol, another bad habit is smoking cigarettes. Your mouth has a constant feeling of an ashtray, and we know that nobody wants to kiss that, or o be near it anymore.
5. Jennifer Aniston

Source: Celebrity Insider
Being compared to Jennifer Aniston all the time can be troublesome at times, and who want to be reminded at all times of your boy’s sexy ex? Nobody, we believe.
6. Father

Photo by Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage
There were some rumors of child abuse, and Angelina Jolie is said to have filed for divorce due to his behavior towards their kids. We aren’t sure if that is true, but if it is, you don’t want a bad father to your kids.
7. Odor

Source: CBR
Six years ago, Brad Pitt didn’t use soap or anything of that kind to wash his body and face. He used to use lemon, vinegar, and water only. We don’t even want to begin to imagine what does that smell like on a human body, but there were some rumors of how his wife at the time, Angelina Jolie said how he smelled like a sheepdog, and that she tried to avoid him at all costs during vinegar and lemon phase.
8. Stinky Daddy

We mentioned earlier how he got a reputation of Stinky Daddy and how he used to wash his body with just vinegar, lemon, and water. That got his children to call him Stinky Daddy, and that isn’t at all attractive in a man.
9. Marriage
Involving yourself in Brad Pitt’s life attracts the rage of Angelina Jolie and everything that follows. We are all aware of how nasty she can be, and we believe that no one wants to be involved in all that craziness that is still going on.
10. His exes

Source: Hello Magazine
He hasn’t dated that many women, but they are enough to darken your life. Some of them hate him, some of them have kind words for him, but you are always going to find yourself surrounded in comparison to them, or involved in their lives and comments.