You might think the inside of a man’s brain sounds like the buzz of a broken fluorescent lightbulb. Not true. The brain cells of men work like pistons, constantly firing — just like yours. Some of the internal dialogue they produce is quite sophisticated (“Why, I detect rosehip and cardamom in this rare Flemish beer!”), while other times, they send us in pursuit of life’s simpler pleasures (“boobs, boobs, boobs…”).
Sex is one of the simpler moments. In the presence of a naked woman, a man’s mind becomes pretty predictable.
Here are 10 thoughts that have probably crossed your guy’s mind at least once while doing the deed:
1. So, um, was that an orgasm?
When men orgasm, you know it. It’s a whole thing. To leave no doubt, we collapse as if we just ran a marathon.
So you can understand our confusion when, after you orgasm, you just keep on going like you’re the freakin’ Duracell bunny. Should we keep going? Should we wrap it up? WHAT DO WE DO?!
Check out 10 thoughts that have probably crossed your guy’s mind on Your Tango…