Do you like having covert sex in public, love to play with sex toys or relish in having another couple in the bedroom to help stoke the fires of passion? (You wouldn’t be the only one.) Here are 11 signs your sex life is totally normal. And if you don’t relate to these, don’t despair. This is not an inclusive list. The best way to determining whether or not your sex life is normal is if you both enjoy it and no one is being harmed.

Source: calienteadult
1. You make love infrequently. People’s sex drive and sex needs are different — different libidos. If you make love once a week, once every two weeks or once a month, and you are both happy with this and both enjoy it when you do make love, that’s great! No problem!

Source: KK
2. You don’t have an orgasm.
Satisfaction means different things to different people. Some are satisfied as long as they have an orgasm. For others, the closeness and connection are far more important than whether or not they climax. For still others, the satisfaction is in the experience, not in the outcome, and they feel satisfied even if they don’t have intercourse. It’s all good as long as both are happy with it.

Source: cosmopolitan
3. You watch porn together to get into the mood.
Does watching porn turn you on and add vitality to your sex life? Great! As long as you both enjoy it, it’s perfectly normal.
Original by Your Tango