We’ve all been there. A few times. You meet a guy who seems awesome–he’s super cute, funny, charming and has a fabulous job or some sexy artistic ability. Over martinis with the girls you gush about how great he is and how much you have in common. I mean, you’ve just met, but you’re practically soul mates, right? I’ll speak from personal experience. I’m attracted to confident, beautiful and talented men. I can’t help it. It’s not about a certain ‘type’ or laundry list of criteria, because those three adjectives can fit a number of looks and occupations. My friends will tell you that I date ass-holes. Do I like falling for these guys? No. No girl does. And it’s not about nice guys finishing last. It’s about a rarity in a particular combination of desirable characteristics. Stay with me. Most confident, beautiful and talented men humans are a bit self-centered. Because they can be. Is it possible for confident, beautiful and talented people to also be kind, selfless and good? Absolutely. They are just harder to find.
In all my years of dating douche bags, my radar has become incredibly keen. I have compiled a list of red flags that communicate your man is not worth it and should be dropped immediately. He won’t change for you, and he won’t change for the girl he meets after you (although she may be insecure enough to put up with him). Read more…