This year, why not ditch the sexy ninja costume and go topless? Not naked, silly — you might get arrested. I mean, get creative and transform your boobs into Halloween buppets. Buppeteer and Boobsmith Heidi Leigh is the master of making tits into people … and other things. Like, scary clowns. Truly, she has a gift. Click through to see some of the breast Halloween costume ideas ever, courtesy of Heidi’s website, Tits Thinks It’s People. Warning: you might see some nipple in the process. [TitThinksItsPeople]
Breasts mama, they’re called breasts, and every woman has them.
A Dude
 Seriously subversive.
Britney Spears
It’s Titney, bitch!
Captain Picard
 Finally, a tit costume you can really engage with.
Bride Of Frankenstein
Just scary enough to make nipple hairs stand on end.
Mary Poppins
Um, this is supercalifragiltisticexpialidocious.
Hannibal Lecter
Doubles as a breastfeeding guard in the off-season.
Warrior Princess
What a pretty titty!
Creepy Masked Thing
Pretty much a guarantee that you won’t be felt up on October 31st.
This makes getting to second base so much more romantic.
Freddy Krueger
Come to Titty…
Nobody tell Jon Arbuckle about this.
Original by Ami Angelowicz