Everyone knows that funny cats are the true keepers of the internet, but I think my love for cat videos went off the deep end last week when I couldn’t stop watching this footage of sliding kittens on repeat at the Frisky office while laughing hysterically to myself for days on end. I’m pretty sure the whole scenario looked like I’d suffered some kind of psychotic break, but seriously, life is stressful these days and kittens are just a really funny reprieve! Now I’m inviting you to join me on my feline YouTube journey, because who doesn’t need some kitties to unwind every now and then? After the jump, in no particular order, my current favorite cat videos of all time, presented without comment. You’re welcome.
1. Bobo The Vacuum-Loving Cat
2. Mitchiri0-Neko Cat March
3. Cat Stuck In A Hamster Ball
4. Cats Morphing Into Croissants
5. Kittens Inspired By Kittens
6. Real Cat Meets Ceramic Cat
7. Stupid Cat
8. Cat Massage
9. Confused Fluffy Kitten
10. Kittens In A Boot
11. Mama Cat Hugs Sleeping Kitten
12. Henri The Existential Cat
13. Maru Plays With A Box
14. Cat Greets His Human
15. Pudge’s Greatest Moments