If I could have a room in my house dedicated to the perfection that is BeyoncĂ©, I would do it. Unfortunately, I’m single, and a large display of Mrs. Carter prayer candles and Andy Warhol-inspired BeyoncĂ© wall art might scare the menfolk away. On the bright side, there is a ton of awesome merchandise out there, from jewelry to food utensils, that would be perfect for any and all devoted members of the BeyHive. Click through our gallery to see 16 ***flawless gifts perfect for any Beyonce superfan.
- Don’t Worry Be YoncĂ© Sweatshirt
- Beyonce “I Woke Up Like This” & “Flawless” Mug Set
- Crazy + Drunk In Love Art Print
- Surfboard IPhone 5 Case
- Beyonce Earrings
- ‘I Woke Up Like This’ Hi-Lo Tunic
- Beyonce Royal Pillow Case
- Ready For This Jelly Knife
- Beyonce Nail Decals
- Beyonce Wall Decal
- ***Flawless Tote Bag
- Beyonce Wall Clock
- Do The Single Ladies Dance Art Print
- Beyonce Pencil Set
- Beyonce Partition Cross Stitch
- Beyonce Bracelet
Don’t Worry Be YoncĂ© Sweatshirt
$80, Style Stalker