MSN posted a listicle entitled “31 Things I Wish I’d Known About Dating When I was 21,” which made me think of everything I, too, wish I’d known (about dating and everything else) when I was 21. Instead, I had to learn things the hard way. Save yourself the trouble and just read my list. After the jump, 21 things I wish I’d known when I was 21.

Credit: gpointstudio/Shutterstock
- Champagne, vodka, gin and beer don’t mix well.
- If he’s not ever calling before 11 p.m., he’s not interested in a real relationship.
- “Comfort” and “security” aren’t big enough reasons to stay with someone.
- Guys don’t care about — or even notice — those 10 extra pounds.
- Love is rarely packaged the way you expect it to be.
- It’s generally much kinder to be be direct with someone than pussy-foot around the truth in order to spare feelings.
- One of the biggest keys to making friendships last is being flexible in your expectations.
- If your happiness with someone is contingent on one little thing he or she needs to change, cut your losses and move on.
- If you don’t have the money to pay cash for it, don’t buy it.
- Box dye jobs look like box dye jobs (especially if you’re going for red).
- If his friends hate you, your days together are probably numbered.
- Relationships are not supposed to be hard in the beginning.
- If he says he doesn’t want a relationship, he really means it.
- Eyebrows really don’t grow back if they’re overly tweezed.
- Nude underwear is really the only acceptable color to wear under white pants.
- This moment — however good or bad it is — will be just a blip on the radar two years from now.
- If he seems obsessed with his ex, he probably is.
- Holding a grudge is bad for your back (and soul).
- When a vet says your cat has cancer, get a second opinion before you let him operate!!!
- A teaspoon is not the same thing as a tablespoon.
- Buying it one size too small won’t make you lose weight any faster.

Source: Pexels
Original by Wendy Atterberry