Over on Jezebel, Slut Machine shared her concerns about pooping and farting in front of her new boyfriend. Performing these two bodily functions in front of a guy or girl you like is one of the ultimate signs you are really and truly comfortable with the person you’re seeing. But there are other ways people know your relationship is past the get-to-know-you phase…
1. You Let Your Looks Go
“I know I’ve turned the corner when I wear my glasses around him. Typically, I wear contacts and will endure late hour eye-scratching torture not to be seen in my coke bottles.” —Anne
“Wearing my saggy-bottomed house pants. Sure, they look like I’m wearing a diaper, but they feel so good.” —Mary
“Letting him see my crotch in hideous stages of regrowth after I shaved all my hairs off.” —Niki
“You only own one pair of heels and you wear them almost never.” —Rebecca
2. You Don’t Bother With Makeup
“If I can spend an entire day with them sans makeup. I’m talking waking up, going to brunch, and walking around without a stitch of concealer and barely-brushed hair. Similarly, if the two of you spend the whole day together and don’t shower because you’re too busy getting busy, that’s love.” —Maridel
“When I was able to go without my makeup in front of my now-fiance, I knew I was 100 percent comfortable around him. I am so not one of those girls who piles makeup on, but still, my quick swipe of mascara, blush, and eyeshadow are a security blanket.” —Cara
“I know that I really like the guy if he can see me sans my “smoky eyeliner” in the a.m. I can throw up in front of a guy after too many glasses of red wine, belt out a horrible rendition of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” in front of all his friends at a packed karaoke bar, snort and chortle my way through Jackass and even wear nothing but leggings, flip flops and a burrito stained t-shirt to Tasti-D on a lazy Sunday evenings. But nothing says comfort and “I love you” to me like waking up and looking at the boy square in the eye—zits and all. —Veronique

Source: Desired
3. You Perform Bodily Functions In Their Presence
“Once I can flatulate freely in her presence and don’t have to hide my emissions, I know we have reached our (smelly) comfort zone.” —Jason
“When I can pee in front of them.” —Leigh
“If I can take a poop at his house.” —Lily
“I know I’m comfortable with someone when I can tell them that I own a gun. Too soon, and all sorts of judgments and misconceptions are established. —Matilda
“Telling my salary and talking about finances in general. I don’t share that unless I’m really comfortable.” —Amanda
“If I allow her access to my music. Letting a girl browse through my iPod is like giving her a sneak peak into my inner workings—a big deal, not to be taken lightly.” —Lee
5. You Hang Out In The Nude Without Getting It On
“The first sign that I was comfortable with my boyfriend was when I’d come over after work, and he’d be in his underwear on the couch eating Cheez-Its. I didn’t find it sexy or arousing or even think much of it. I didn’t need to be impressed or he with me at that point. We were comfortable pigging out together practically in the buff.” —Brady
“Nudity in a non-sex context. Not even necessarily exposing the little uglies, but lounging in underwear and whatnot.” —Jeff

Source: Life
6. You Change Your Routine
“When we don’ t talk in the morning, but just get ready and your interactions seem both choreographed (in the way that you’re in a pattern) and natural.” —Leonora
“You don’t sleep well without him.” —Simcha
“You have two sets of things—one at his place, one at yours.” —Annika
“You touch base during business hours.” —Laura
7. You Just Stop Worrying
“Having sex while on my period. It’s not one of those things you typically want to do until you know someone well. Except for that one time I was really drunk….” —Laura
“You’re not freaked out when he picks up the phone and your mom’s on the other line.” —Nicole
“When I eat a burrito before having sex.” —Lauren
” let them see me in my Crest Whitestrips!” —Kelsey
…And Then There Are Those Who Don’t Have Any Hangups
“I’m usually pretty comfortable if I’m dating the girl in the first place. Isn’t that part of the motivation to spend time with someone?” —Josh
Original by Catherine Strawn