Women have subtle and not-so-subtle ways of letting the rest of the world know their man is taken. These eight ways women mark their territory will save you from wondering how involved a guy is, and if you’re in a relationship already, then you’ve got some work to do.

Source: Goalcast
- Quite obvious one—leaving any kind of feminine product—from Tampons to flatirons—at her guy’s home.
- Giving her guy a framed photo of the two of them for his desk at work.
- Making subtle changes to her man’s decor, like changing the gender-neutral dish towels to a floral pattern.
- He, all of a sudden, has tons of toilet paper.
- His apartment now smells like vanilla, as opposed to gym socks or a dirty trash can.
- His pet likes to cuddle up to her stuff too.
- Gives his mom a gift that she actually appreciates and displays in her home.
- He not only gets bi-weekly manicures but also pedicures.
Original by Annika Harris