Sometimes we don’t show enough appreciation for the fellas around here. While they drive us batty—and there’s more than a few rotten apples threatening to spoil the bunch—there are some truly amazing, wonderful, simple things we not only notice about men, but positively love. Check out 50 after the jump …
- The way his BO smells after a workout.
- Butt hair.
- When his temples go gray.
- That he can lift the garbage bag out of the bin with only one arm … it’s magic!
- That small stomach paunch.
- That he doesn’t freak out when there’s a scary noise suggesting an intruder is in the house!
- That he’s more sensitive than you think.
- That all he really wants to do is please you.
- That he’ll give you a foot rub and doesn’t even notice your corn.
- That if you blow him, he will be happy.
- His chivalrous offers of jackets, bug-killing and walking on the street-side of the sidewalk to prevent you from potential death by rogue vehicles.
- Watching him get dressed.
- His O-face.
- When he does that funny “mangina” thing.
- How proud he is when he goes out of the way to make the bed.
- His enthusiasm and glee after you cut one.
- How he gets mad at anyone who wrongs you.
- The way he talks to the TV (as long as you’re not watching it too).
- Beer breath. (Sometimes.)
- Razor burn after a hot make-out session.
- His scars.
- That he pees standing up.
- Chest hair.
- The “little boy” look that he gives you when he’s had a bad day and wants to cuddle.
- That sex never seems to be “bad” or even “not great.”
- His ability to sleep through the apocalypse.
- That he can be all growly and manly one moment, and melt into a puddle when holding a newborn kitten.
- His insistence that you will not — nay, can not! — get pregnant if he just “puts it in for a second” or “pulls out first.” (Not that he’s right.)
- That he treats his mom with respect.
- That he will drive all the way to his grandparents’ house just to “fix” something that wasn’t broken in the first place on their computer.
- That sometimes when he snores, it sounds so contented and adorable. (Sometimes not.)
- That he gets so much delight out of watching “boy movies.”
- That he sometimes wears outrageously silly things he secretly thinks are fashionable.
- They he takes his facial hair very seriously.
- Yet he never knows when to get a haircut.
- That he sometimes cuts his face while shaving and doesn’t notice.
- His bewilderment about shopping.
- His inexplicable, fierce and universal love of baseball/hatred of tabloid magazines.
- That he doesn’t know what moisturizer is, let alone use it.
- When he uses your shampoo and then shrieks, “What is this?! It smells girly!”
- That he would sooner steam his shirt for an hour in the shower than pick up an iron.
- That he DVRs the entire reality TV lineup “for you, sweetie,” but knows the characters and drama just as well as you do.
- His strong hands, even though they’ve never seen a manicure.
- That sometimes, when he’s drunk, he’ll let you put makeup on him.
- His unfairly-longer-than-yours eyelashes.
- When he’s clueless in the kitchen but he cooks you something anyway—like toast—and is all proud.
- That he’s not afraid to hug another man.
- When he sticks up for your girlfriends too.
- His funny caveman feet.
- Giving him a blow job—to fruition.
Original by Amelia McDonell-Parry