I was ahead of the curve and posted the 30 things I love about myself months before “Love Yourself Week,” so I’ve decided to celebrate the week (and myself) by taking a cue from Wendy. Here are the 30 things I do well — some I’m proud of, others not so much.

Source: Gia Sison
- Polishing off a bottle of wine by myself.
- Making an ever-improving and evolving marinara sauce.
- Listening to the people I care about.
- Tuning out those I don’t.
- Google stalking.
- Obsessing over even the tiniest details of what a dude I like said or did and trying to decipher what it all means.
- Channeling my dog Lucca’s thoughts and putting them into words (in her slightly lisping dog voice, of course) because she is my spirit animal.
- Falling in high heels.
- Hunting down an item of clothing that I want, even if it’s sold out, somewhere, somehow and buying it.
- Justifying taking a cab to work.
- Multi-tasking at work to the point that I think I stupify my co-workers. Right now I am writing this list, editing a post, cropping photos for a slideshow, thinking about my budget for August, eating Five Guys, and reliving the hot sex I had last night.
- Blow jobs.
- Dirty talking.
- Not caring what people I don’t know think of me.
- Caring too much about what the people I do know thinking of me.
- Swearing at both appropriate and inappropriate times.
- Forgiving people. Except those who don’t deserve or haven’t earned my forgiveness.
- Holding grudges.
- Plotting revenge but not actually going through with it.
- Shoulder stand in yoga.
- Being self-deprecating but not in a way that implies I secretly have s**tty self-esteem.
- Appreciating and enjoying even the lowest forms of pop culture, like “Twilight,” Ashlee Simpson’s music, and “You’re Cut Off.”
- Nicknaming people, particularly the dudes I have had sex with, like The Two Pump Chump, Fatty Big Balls, and The Switcheroo.
- Self-reflecting.
- Writing about myself in a way that (I hope!) is still relatable to people who are not me.
- Lying on the beach for longer than most people could possibly stand.
- Throwing myself in cold ocean water and not being a screaming wuss about it.
- Putting together IKEA furniture all by myself without grave bodily injury.
- Making everyone feel comfortable talking about anything without feeling judged.
- Killing bugs.

Source: You’ve Got This, Mama
Original by Amelia McDonell-Parry