If you’ve ever been in yoga class feeling deeply into it, but also like, “Can I go home? This sucks,” then, congratulations! You are a person. Still, there have to be a few snazzy ways to make yoga less boring, so you can do it and not keeping staring at the clock. And there are!
It’s important to note here that a large part of yoga is supposed to be mental and emotional, in addition to physical. And no, I don’t actually think yoga is boring. And yes, all those pointers your yoga instructor gives you about focusing inward, paying attention to your breath, and remaining in the moment are all totally valid. And no, you definitely don’t “need” to buy anything or add anything to make yoga work for you, and that’s one of the best parts of it. All of that said (and it was a lot, I grant you), you don’t always buy things that are purely functional. Sometimes you want practical things you buy to look super cute as well, or be exceptionally soft, or something. The same can be true of your yoga practice.
So it’s not that you need and must have and can’t live without the items listed below, but if any of them are enough to make things a little easier or a little more fun while you’re doing something that’s already so beloved by you and great for you, why the hell not look into that, right?
Here are a few.
I know it might seem like, “What’s the big deal? Why does my yoga mat have to say something on it?” Well, it def doesn’t have to, but, man, isn’t it a nice idea to be able to look down and see a positive message there for you when you get anxious or bored or feel like you’re super uncoordinated? The answer is yes.
Buddhi Box
This monthly subscription service ($34.95/month + $5 shipping) gives you a little box curated with ethically sourced, cruelty-free products geared around yoga principles like compassion, community, and discovery. So that might be cute little oils, yoga-inspired jewelry (you know, like “believe” or whatever), or yoga straps. Just cute little things to keep you excited every month, why not.
Yoga Design Lab Yoga Mats And Accessories
The founder of Yoga Design Lab, Chad Turner, wanted to “combine a beautiful ascetic with industry-leading functionality” to give a little color and beauty to yoga mats and props and he absolutely achieved that because look at this freaking mat!!! You could stare into it for all of life. So good.
Dessert Essences Essential Oils
These wonderful organic essential oil blends were expertly developed by an aromatherapist, and they’re each each designed to evoke a specific benefit or purpose to make you feel better/cooler/what have you. So you could definitely bring some oils along in your bag to sprinkle a drop on your mat (they’re potent, so be mindful of classmates) for balance, harmony, or unity. Plus, they just smell pretty. Win-win.
Again, you don’t need any of these to do yoga, but if any of them help you want to go to class, help you stay present during class, or help you not want to pack up your bag and go get soft pretzels, it’s worth it.
Original by: Lane Moore