When it comes to relationships and sexual intercourse men are often labeled as selfish. We orgasm faster, we can use a penis pump to enhance our size, we can get aroused faster. Being a little selfish in bed is good, but sex is a two-way road. You have to give and receive. There are times when you give to your partner, but she only receives, thinking only about her own pleasure. When this happens all the time, your lady might be too selfish in bed.
Here are 4 signs that give away such partner and how to deal with them.
Skipping foreplay

Img source: ravishly.com
When she rushes foreplay, she might be too selfish. In most cases, men are eager to reach orgasm, but women can also skip this part. Foreplay is very important for successful intercourse for both partners, as this is when you build arousal. If you feel your partner is always trying to get straight to the point, talk with her about this and ask her to focus on foreplay the next time you have sex.
Ignoring your pleasure
A selfish partner is going to ignore your pleasure and focus only on their own. While there might be many reasons to skip foreplay, if she is not interested in your pleasure she is selfish. Some women are afraid their partners won’t last until the end, so they rush things. But when she is not interested in what you need and what you want, she is only thinking of her own pleasure. A selfish partner is also going to ask for their favorite positions and will most likely ignore what you like, on a regular basis. Another sign that your partner is selfish in bed is insisting on having sex when you are tired or not in the mood.
Bragging about your sex life

Img source: verywellmind.com
Most men are happy to brag about their sex life, but when she brags about your abilities between the sheets, it might be a sign of selfishness, especially when you don’t want this to happen. Bragging to friends about your partner’s capabilities in bed ignoring their feelings is a strong sign of selfishness. Ask her to stop doing this, telling her that it makes you feel bad. If this doesn’t make your partner stop bragging about your sex life, she is selfish.
Who is actually pleased by your orgasm?

Img source: sochealth.co.uk
When your partner is interested in making you orgasm, it’s a sign of love. But you need to make sure they are actually interested in making you feel good. If she only wants you to orgasm so she can brag to her friends about it, she is selfish.
Having a selfish partner can be a problem, but it doesn’t mean you need to end your relationship. Identify your needs and communicate them to your partner in a firm, yet loving way. Avoid having this discussion right before or after sex – it is better to pick another moment. Each time your partner takes into account your needs during sex, express your satisfaction.