The loss of intimacy can be a big issue in a long-term relationship. After a few years together, the passion fades, and sex is relegated to the‘to-do’ list, usually well below ferrying around the kids, shopping, doing the chores, and catching some extra sleep. As any tired, frazzled parent knows, making time for intimacy doesn’t seem that important. However, a high level of physical intimacy in a relationship leads to higher levels of satisfaction with the relationship. And the more satisfied you are with your partner, the easier it is to weather the inevitable storms that come along.
In this article, we are going to look at four ways couples can use sex toys to help boost intimacy in their relationship.
Become More Orgasmic
Orgasms are often elusive for women. Whilst some women can orgasm at the drop of a hat, most don’t find it that easy. This problem worsens as a woman gets older and by the time a woman has gone through menopause, she may find it increasingly difficult to achieve an orgasm. This can cause problems in a relationship. The woman feels under pressure to orgasm and the man feels like he’s lost his touch. One way to address the issue is by getting creative.
Sex toys can really help in this regard. The most obvious sex toy to try is a vibrator. These are readily available from all good adult stores, online and offline. You can choose from a range of different designs, including the Rampant Rabbit and g-spot vibrators.

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Vibrators stimulate the genitals in a more intense way. Women who struggle to reach orgasm when stimulated by their partner’s fingers, tongue, or penis often climax fairly easily with a vibrator. Look for a model that has various levels of stimulation, so you can adjust it to suit your degree of sensitivity. Let your partner stimulate you with a vibrator as part of your lovemaking session. If a regular phallic-shaped vibrator isn’t appealing to him, ask him to wear a vibrating penis ring instead. The vibrations will stimulate your clitoris during intercourse, so you can both hit the right spot.
Even if you have no trouble achieving an orgasm, remember that using sex toys can make you even more orgasmic. Think how much fun it will be to have multiple orgasms every time you have sex. What’s not to like about that?
Coping with Erectile Dysfunction
There is another scenario when couples need a helping hand in the bedroom. This time, it’s the man who has a problem. Erectile dysfunction affects all men at some point. Stress, too much beer, and the aging process can make it difficult for a man to maintain an erection. It is always best to get any problems checked out to ensure there is no underlying health problem or that you need to don’t need ED medicine from Numan.
Vibrating penis rings act as a tight band around the base of the penis, trapping the blood and helping a man to maintain an erection for longer. This is stimulating for both partners and if the woman struggles to achieve an orgasm, the vibrating element will help.
If erectile dysfunction is having a negative effect on your relationship, it is essential that you talk about the issue. Be open and honest and willing to try new things to keep the intimacy alive. Using sex toys offers you both new ways to achieve intimacy, so give it a try.

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Take the Pressure Off
Many men feel under enormous pressure to ‘perform’ in the bedroom. This isn’t healthy for a relationship, as there will be times when your body isn’t in the mood, even though your partner is ready for some action.
Using sex toys takes the pressure off the guy. He knows that his partner is guaranteed satisfaction, even if he is tired or not feeling it. For a lot of men, this adds an extra layer of enjoyment to sex. It frees them up to be a bit more selfish in bed because they don’t have to spend a long time helping their partner achieve an orgasm, and if they climax too soon, it’s OK, she won’t be upset.
Keep the Passion Alive
After several years together, it is only natural for the passion to fade in a long-term relationship. The danger is that when you become less connected in the bedroom, the rest of your relationship will suffer. The good news is that there plenty of ways to keep the passion alive.
A 2016 Chapman University study found that couples who were more satisfied with their relationship were more likely to have introduced sex toys into the bedroom, as well as having experimented in other ways. This shows that you need to work on all aspects of your relationship if you want to go the distance. Just having lack-luster sex, missionary-style once a month isn’t going to do the trick.

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If you are feeling less than enthused about your partner in the bedroom, it is time to shake things up a bit. Check out the huge selection of couple-friendly sex toys online and see what sparks an interest. Maybe you have read Fifty Shades of Grey and you fancy playing Ana to hubby Christian. Experiment with a soft flogger or handcuffs. Restraints such as handcuffs or rope require a high degree of trust in a relationship, so it can really boost your intimacy levels.
You may decide that light bondage isn’t for you but discover that role-play games are actually a lot of fun.
Introducing sex toys into a relationship should be done with tact. Don’t just whip out a 10-inch dildo one night and expect your partner to be OK with it. Chances are, he will feel emasculated unless you explain your reasons why.
Have a conversation about using sex toys, watch a movie like Fifty Shades for some ideas, and go shopping for sex toys together. As long as you are both happy with the decision, using sex toys together is guaranteed to lead to a happy ending for everyone.