If you’re thinking about a trip with your baby but can’t decide if it’s really a good idea or not, then no need to worry. I’m sure we can change your mind. When you think of traveling with your little one, you automatically start to think about everything you will need to pack.
How many different onesies will they need? Will they need a ton of diapers? How will I keep them entertained during the trip?
All of these questions could leave a parent not wanting to go on the trip at all. But, we assembled a list of five reasons why you should take your baby on a special trip and hopefully it will seal the deal in your mind that it’s worth it!
Cheap, cheap, cheap
Traveling with a baby isn’t as expensive as most parents are led to believe it is. Think about it if your child is exclusively breastfed then you don’t have to worry about food costs for them because you are their source of food.
Also, children that are under two years old don’t require a plane ticket. You can also fly with them as a lap child so that you can save yourself the expense of purchasing an extra plane seat. Your child is getting free flights basically until they are about 6 years old.
Another thing is that due to your baby being so young they won’t count as an extra occupant in a hotel. Making the overall cost of your hotel stay lower than it would be if you need to have an extra bed.
If you’re worried about where you’re little one will sleep, you can always ask the hotel for a small crib or bassinet for the room. Some hotels have these as a courtesy for guests with children.

Source: thriveglobal
It teaches them to see other walks of life
Traveling with your child allows them to see the way that other people live. And doing this helps them to develop compassion for people that may not be as fortunate as they are.
Some children live in a bubble their whole lives and believe that where they live in the end, all be all of what is out in the world. And then when they leave home, some lack the skills to cope with people that are not like them.
When you travel with your baby and expose them to other cultures, they will learn that there are different ways of doing things that work for different people. And as they continue to grow, they won’t be afraid to try elements that are outside of their comfort zones.

Source: thriveglobal
Bonding time
Traveling with your child allows you all to spend some quality time together. You get to pick your child’s brain, and they get to ask you questions if they wish about any and everything.
This trips will cement ties to each other that can never be erased no matter how old they get. You all will have special memories of all of the fun you had together traveling all over the country, and nothing beats that.
Parents work so much, and children are in school that these times in between work and school are important for families to stay connected. If your child is just a baby a great way of bonding with them would be to carry them and talk to them as you are site seeing.
If you don’t have any way to carry your baby, don’t worry we have you covered just visit the Childmode website and your site to find just the right gear to make traveling with your baby easier.

Source: parents
Provides developmental stimulation
Because you will be traveling to places that your child has never been before they will be so curious to touch, smell, taste, and see everything, there is to see. Kids love new things. Their curiosity just can’t help themselves when it comes to exploring the unknown.
Traveling to places will help stimulate their brains. Especially because at this age their brains are still developing at a rapid rate. They will get to taste new foods that they have never tasted.
They will get to touch clothes and items that feel different but feel really good in the palms of their hands. They may even meet some children from the area and play some games that they have never even heard of, which is a way to develop their social skills as well?
Wherever you go, make sure that it is a hands-on experience for your child. A hands-on traveling experience allows your child to learn while they are having fun.

Source: popsugar
Teaches children to adapt
Traveling which teaches your child to adapt to any situation. This is because as we adults know, not everything always goes as planned when you are traveling.
Sometimes a flight may be delayed so your layover is longer than you anticipated it to be or your hotel room isn’t ready, yet so you have to figure out what to do for the next few hours.
All of these scenarios are key moments to teach your child how to adapt and keep on going without missing a beat. It helps them learn that spontaneity can be a good thing when it leads you to break plans.
Did we convince you to take the trip? I sure do hope so because as we mentioned above, there are tons of ways for your baby to benefit from traveling. From learning about different cultures and backgrounds to coming to be more adaptable.
Ways that are sure to shape and mold them into the people they are destined to be for the rest of their lives. Pack your bags and your kid’s bag too and get ready for an adventure!