Every relationship will have its fair share of ups and downs. Whether you’ve just met via tender dating site or have been an item for some time, the important aspect is appreciating how friction can be resolved, appraising those moments objectively, and being determined enough to get past these and focus on the future. Serious problems will arise if you behave in ways which will prove detrimental to what you have together. In short, there are certain actions which will prove to be very difficult to recover from. Here are five surefire behaviors which have the potential to destroy your relationship.

Source: Romper
You lack a common purpose
One of the healthiest aspects of any relationship is being able to look to the future with a degree of confidence in your shared aspirations. Whether you’re planning something as straightforward as a weekend break, or considering much bigger decisions such as moving home or starting a family, being able to picture yourselves sharing this long-term vision can be life-affirming and extremely healthy for your partnership. But if you can’t agree on what’s going to happen farther down the line, it will have a negative impact on what you currently have.
You gloss over difficult issues
How do you deal with the more traumatic circumstances which can affect your relationship? If your natural response to any awkward development is simply to ignore it, deciding not to approach the subject with your partner for fear of rocking the boat, the one thing which can be guaranteed is you are going to undermine your future happiness. The key is to confront any sort of upheaval or disruption the moment it occurs. You might think you are doing your partner a favor by masking an unwelcome truth; the fact is, you are doing the reverse.

Source: MSN.com
Moments of intimacy wane
Those who are in the first flushes of a relationship will often get carried away with the intense chemistry which is developing between them. This can translate into a honeymoon period where you can scarcely keep your hands off one another! It is only natural for these intimate moments to subside as your contentment reaches a level where you are comfortable in each other’s company, without feeling the need to consummate your relationship at every opportunity. But if this closeness ceases altogether, this could indicate there are more serious problems to be addressed. Intimacy doesn’t always have to involve sex. However, for many couples, even an occasional embrace is an activity which can be forgotten about. Ceasing to behave in a tactile manner can be an obvious barometer of an ailing relationship.
Moments of conflict are left unresolved
Friction is inevitable in any relationship, as we are all complex individuals and will not always agree on everything. But it is crucial to be able to resolve conflicts and be willing to move on. If you are unable to agree to differ and problems are allowed to fester, this can only lead to resentment. When this remains unchecked, the situation will only deteriorate.

Source: Allison Maslan
You try unleashing the ultimate threat
The ultimate threat any partner can make at the height of an argument is to threaten the very future of what you have together. If a clash has reached the point where one party has blurted out their intention to walk out, the time has definitely come to take a step back and try and appraise the source of the issue. Have you genuinely reached a point of no return, or is there still room for constructive dialogue? They key to resolution is always objectivity and compromise.