It is not a secret that cats and dogs love fighting, and they are enemies, but there are examples, when the pets co-exist in harmony, or just ignore each other. If the cats and dogs have good individual experiences with the other species before they have paired, they will live nice together.
The dogs and the cats have a different style of communication so you can be confused. When the dog is happy and wants to play he wags his tail, but when the cat is angry, she lashes her tail. If you have in mind how they work, you will have peace in the home. In the article down below you can read about 7 useful tips on how cats and dogs can live happily together.

Source: AKC Pet Insurance
1. As we mentioned earlier in the article if cats and dogs had no poorly experiences with each other they will co-exist very nice. If you want to have a cat and dog in your home the useful tip is to get them while they are youngsters because they form a bond through the growing process. Dog`s play is always rough and not suitable for the cat so you can teach your dog to chase a stuffed toy, not your cat.
2. An ideal partner for your dog is a curious, and fearful cat. If you want to rescue, and adopt animals, every rescue organization will help you with the selection of animals based on their history charts. Some of the dog breeds that have a strong instinct for catching, shaking, and killing cats, such as terriers, hounds, and herding dogs should not live with cats.

Source: Animed Direct
3. One of the main characteristics of the cats is that they are territorial, and they do not like any kind of change. Introduction phase could be longer than you expect, you must be patient with the animals and maintain the peace in the house. This first phase could be more than several weeks, even a whole month. Do not expect that they will be friends at once, and do not force them to be in the same room. You need to spend the same time with both animals and do not pet them in the same space.
4. When you want to make a meeting for your cat and dog, first time put a dog on a leash in the down stay position because dogs can be aggressive and hurt the cats, even in play. When the cat is out of biting range of the dog, the cat can always run away in another room. They should not touch noses at the first meeting or get close.

Source: Food Revolution Network
5. If your cat is current pet and you get a dog, you should make a refuge path or behind pet gate for a cat. Even if you have a dog and you will get a cat do the same thing. The cat must have a room with her toys, basket where she sleeps, and food where the dog will not come. This will be area only for a cat where she will feel safe.
6. They do not have to have face-to-face meetings because the animals know each other through scent before they see each other, they smell each other. The useful tip you should follow is to rub an old towel over the dog, and put near the cat`s bed or food. After some time, the same towel you should rub over a cat to mix their scents. This makes first meeting less stressful, and animals will not be strangers to each other.

Source: YouTube
7. A cat`s litter box should be only for her because it is very stressful for cats when the dog plays with it. The cat will not use a litter box if she finds out that the dog is near the box. Dogs even can eat the content of the box which is disgusting for cats. A solution to this problem can be very easy, just put a litter box in a small space where a dog cannot enter, or you can buy a covered box, cats love that. Cats can see in the dark while dogs cannot, so if you put a litter box in a dark room dog will not find it.