Going through a divorce is never easy. After all, you used to believe that you would be with that person for the rest of your life, and now you are separating. This can not only take a toll on your emotional well-being but also your finances.
Due to this reason, you need to have someone in your corner. Surely there are some family members and friends to support you, but have you ever considered hiring a divorce coach? In this article, we are going to introduce you to this profession, and tell you what this person can do for you.
Who is a divorce coach?
The first thing that you should know is that this person is not your attorney, meaning that they won’t represent you. Yes, they can provide you with numerous legal advice, but they can’t really act on them. Simply put, they are part of the legal team that people hire when going through a divorce. A divorce coach can turn out to be quite helpful since they are usually trained in marriage and family counseling. In addition, they can be of aid to both of the spouses, and according to O’Sullivan Mediation provide couples with a helping hand during this process.
1. They are unbiased
It is a fact that divorces can be intense and emotional. Your mind can get clouded easily, meaning that you might not be able to see the situation clearly. This is completely normal, and what’s more, it is totally expected. A lot of people believe that they can get all the help they need from a close relative, but is this really true? Yes, they are there for you, but how objective can they actually be? After all, they are always on your side and only want what is best for you.
This is the main reason why you should hire a divorce coach. Naturally, they too will be on your side because it is their job to take care of their clients. Nevertheless, they will be brutally honest with you. They will not sugar coat any situation, and also, they won’t be too concerned about your feeling. We know this sounds too harsh, but let’s be realistic, this is the type of person you need in your corner when dealing with this type of situation.
2. They are guides
If you believe that we have over-exaggerated in the previous paragraph, let us explain. As you know, the entire process of getting divorced can last a long time, months if not years. It is completely understandable that at some point you feel lost. No one really knows what will happen if they never got a divorce before.
Because of this, you need someone who is familiar with all the aspects of this process, and someone who can prepare you for this emotional rollercoaster that you are about to face. Just by having a professional by your side, someone who knows all the ins and outs, you will have a sense of control.
Once again, this is really important because a lot of people make rash decisions that can greatly affect the outcome and their future.
3. They will help you set the goals
While on the subject of the outcome, you have to understand how significant it is to establish crystal clear goals. This is something that only a few people can do on their own, and it isn’t shameful if you need some help. You will be going through a lot, and even though your friends can provide you with emotional support, they cannot be objective, as already stated. Generally speaking, they might advise you to take all of your ex’s money away, which oftentimes isn’t realistic.
Due to this, you need someone who will be able to assist you in making a bulletproof plan for every step of the way. As already mentioned, divorce coaches aren’t usually attorneys, which is why their focus is on your well-being, and their job is to make sure that you work your way to reaching those goals.
4. They will answer all your questions
People usually have a lot of questions during this time. Although you might not be able to think of any at this moment, believe us, there will be a time when you will have a million of them. Sometimes, these questions might not be the right ones to ask your lawyer and pay them extra only so that they could provide you with some generally known information.
At the same time, the last thing that you want to do is to lose time, looking for these answers online. This is when a divorce coach comes in. First of all, they will be at your disposal at any time. Secondly, as already mentioned, they are familiar with this process to the last detail, meaning that there probably isn’t a question that they cannot answer.
5. They will keep your organized
Unless you have a lot of money and are prepared to overpay your attorney, or on the other hand, don’t want to hire one and want to do everything partnering up with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, you will have to do some work on your own. Be aware there is a lot of paperwork that you have to deal with, from child support to taxes and everything in between.
6. They help you find your voice
There is no doubt that this is a harsh period in everyone’s life, and some people tend to close up. This is the last thing that you want to do because it means that you would leave all the decision making to the other party.
A divorce coach will help you make your point and have an equal say in every aspect of the process. They will teach you how to communicate properly, and with all the above-mentioned advice that can provide you with, they will help you be the creator of your own future, outside the marriage.
The bottom line is that you should try to put all your emotions on hold while going through this. We know that this is not that simple, which is why you need a professional to assist you in this.