Buying quality furniture has always been a difficult task. Not knowing the type of wood, or not being aware of the low quality of the wood is a major disadvantage when purchasing new outdoor or indoor pieces. While it is still debated which wood is the hardest and most durable today, consumers and manufacturers alike can without a doubt agree that teak wood is one of the most durable types on the market today.
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While many believe teak is a newer type of wood used primarily for furniture, it is suggested that teak wood has been used for thousands of years. Originating in Southeast Asia, it was mainly used by indigenous people for making maces and other blunt weapons. Due to its hardness and durability, it was perfect for building houses as well as ships. At one point in the 18th century, the entire British naval fleet was built out of teak. Today teakwood is primarily being used for ship decks, park furniture, flooring, and as outdoor home furniture. Teakwood is mainly harvested in Southeast Asia with Indonesia and Burma being the biggest exporters, with an average tree taking forty to fifty years before reaching maturity and then being harvested for furniture.

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Characteristics Of Teak
Teak is a very strong and resilient type of wood, able to withstand minus degrees winters as well as desert-like summers. It is estimated that teak can last for at least a hundred years with many pieces of teak furniture being used for an even longer time. Its durability means that it is unlikely to suffer from decaying or splintering compared to other woods. It is also 100% termite resistant, which makes it idle for any outdoor environment. Using the right type of teak with the highest in terms of quality being the Indonesian teak which has the perfect amount of oil and rubber, you can have a beautiful piece of furniture that will last an entire lifetime. Indonesia teak furniture is ranked among the top on the international market.
While it is important not to forget the hardness and longevity of teak wood, it is also important that we don’t disregard its aesthetic appeal. When left to face the elements teak furniture receives an elegant silver-grey shading. While on the other hand, teak furniture that is used indoors should be oiled in order to maintain its warm-golden hue.
How To Distinguish The Real From The Fake?
A lot of furniture makers sell outdoor wood furniture with the title “Teak oiled wood furniture,” which means that the wood has been treated with Teak oil. Even though it is true that teak oiling increases the strength and resistance of other types of wood, it is important to remember that the oil treatment isn’t permanent. It provides good protection for about five to ten years and then it wears away leaving the lower quality wood to the mercy of the elements. In addition, all buyers have to be aware that this furniture is not teakwood, though many who have purchased it assume that it is the real deal. This assumption could be due to misinformation on their part or false information on the seller’s part.

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Nyatoh is a type of hardwood most often marketed as a “Must have, low price” or “Teak like” substitute. Although it is a type of tough tropical wood, it is nowhere near the durability of teak. One of nyatoh major disadvantages is that it has to be oiled at least once a year in order to prevent wood splintering, and although it fairs well when exposed to harsh climate it is highly susceptible to termites and other pests. It is also important to know that Teak is classified as a class 1 hardwood whilst nyatoh and many other “Teak like” marketed woods are a class 3 type.
After reexamining all that is said it is pretty clear why teak furniture is so popular and appreciated around the world. Its toughness, adaptability, resilience, elegance, and longevity make it perfect for the office, indoor and outdoor use alike.
Although teakwood furniture is expensive, when bought it becomes more than a piece of furniture, it becomes a small family treasure that can be inherited throughout generations.