With the fast-paced lifestyle, we are all living it seems that we forget to take care of ourselves and our overall health. One of the most common sectors that people neglect is dental health, and without even knowing deteriorated dental health can be a cause of many other health conditions of which some (certain bacterial infections) could even be life-threatening. Now, if your dental health has deteriorated and a tooth or two need to be replaced one of the best and most popular dental treatments certainly is an implant.
Dental implants are much better than prostheses or any other cheaper restoration options and that for a few reasons. First and foremost, dental implants are made to mimic to look of your existing teeth and provide jaw support through an artificial root system. Unlike prosthesis, there is not much maintenance to dental implants other than flushing and washing on a regular basis. And let’s not forget that dental implants do once again restore your ability to chew, bite and speak without any problem. Now, this kind of procedure can get pricey but it is a long term investment, and once you are done with the restoration process you will not need to visit dental offices more often than an average person does.
How Are Dental Implants Installed
First and foremost, your damage is assessed and removed if you have decided for the implant procedure according to experts from Precious Smiles. Next, your jaw structure and strength is assessed and if needed certain strengthening treatments are performed to assure that your jawbone will be good enough to hold the artificial root and tooth. The implant is placed, and you will now wait a few months before you are ready to have an artificial tooth in its place. You can either decide for a removable or fixed one, and we guarantee that a fixed one is always a safer option as long as your jawbone is able to hold its place.
Different Type Of Implant Procedures
1. The most common type of implant is the endosteal one. Typically placed when your jawbone is healthy and strong enough to hold it in place, an endosteal has a shape of small screws and is made out of titanium.
2. If a patient doesn’t have a strong jawbone and doesn’t want to go through restoration procedures, he can decide for a subperiosteal dental implant. It is put above or on the jawbone, still being under the gum. It is not as common of a technique as a previous one but is still considered a relevant solution in the mentioned cases
3. Immediate Load Dental Implants. Now, this one is one of the newest techniques when it comes to dental implants and still hasn’t been done in practice enough that we can come with a final verdict on it. On the other hand, it is clear that patients with healthy and strong jawbone are eligible for it. The trick lies in the fact that you get an artificial tooth placed the same day the implant is placed. This means you will not have to wait as much as in the common procedures, and you will be able to perform tasks like chewing and biting without any difficulties. Of course, it is more expensive than the two mentioned above but that for a reason.
Washing and flushing a few times a day is a must and is essential to good dental care. If at the end your tooth is damaged, you shouldn’t worry as implant techniques are quite developed and even if your jawbone is not as strong there are certain restoration methods that will make up for that. A dental implant is a pricey option, but a long term one that comes with many health benefits!