Doris Carvalho, a veterinarian and designer from Tampa, has put together Fur You by Doris, a line of purses made of the dog hair that gets left over at the groomer’s salon (read: no dogs are harmed to make them). Carvalho launched a Kickstarter campaign in hopes of raising $15,000 to create and market her first line of 30 bags. The dog hair is sterilized and used to make the yarn that adorns the bags, which are handmade and require about two pounds of fur each. Currently, they cost about $1,000 each, but if they were to be mass produced they’d become significantly less expensive. My first thought about these bags was NOPE, but that’s kind of hypocritical of me, right? People wear fur and leather all the time, and in most cases the animal dies for it, but these bags are cruelty-free. As Carvalho says on her campaign page, “These handbags are ecologically designed to help curve the immense global footprint on the planet, accessories used in the designs are also from raw pieces from the Earth. My product adds value to a sustainable society.” It’s not for me, but I feel like some diehard puppy lovers in the world would spring for this. If you’re into it, think about supporting her campaign — a portion of Carvalho’s profits will go to the Humane Society.
Original by: Claire Hannum