I’m generally terrified of putting oil on my face because I have problematic sensitive skin that reacts badly to pretty much anything I put on it. If it’s feeling dry, a smidge of moisturizer will turn it into a zitty, oily mess. Too oily, and astringent makes it a flaky, dry patchy disappointment.
But not so with Bio Oil, which is some magical moisturizing oil that seems to both soothe, and moisturize without turning my face into a noxious puddle of sebacious cysts.
Bio Oil, it seems, is one of those crazy skincare products that works great on all types of skin — it reduces the signs of redness and scarring, works great on aging and dehydrated skin, and because it’s pumped full of vitamins (along with lavender, rosemary and chamomile oils), it even helps reduce the signs of scars and stretch marks. Is it a miracle product? Well, just maybe.
Original by Julie Gerstein