So you’ve arrived on the scene, the dating scene to be precise. Perhaps you’ve been recently dumped or divorced, or maybe you’ve simply taken some time out in order to enjoy the simple pleasures of being single. But now it’s time to get your act together, to straighten up and fly right as they say. You have a date on the horizon, and now you need to prepare for it. Women are great, but they can be rather enigmatic. The slightest offhand comment can be received as a major insult, the smallest gesture perceived as the epitome of romance. Tread carefully. Thankfully there are a number of steps you can take that will greatly contribute to making you appear as the masculine ideal. If you don’t stray too far from these guidelines, you should be just fine.

Source: StyleCaster
Good hygiene is very important. Invest in some great smelling shower gel and use it on a daily basis. Also, use a shampoo that will make your hair silky and smooth in appearance. Make sure to take a shower before your big date and ensure that your nails are trimmed to perfection. In terms of facial grooming, you should be cleanly shaven unless you can pull off a good beard or the old rugged look. Women appreciate a good scent so don’t be afraid to buy some upmarket cologne. Just don’t go crazy when applying it – a few tactical sprays should suffice. You will also want to impress your date with a dazzling smile so consider undergoing a teeth whitening treatment at a professional dental practice like Dentist in the Bronx. Finally, remember to dress to impress. If you are not particularly fashion conscious, then go out and buy a good suit – something stylish yet comfortable. If it’s too hot for a suit, then a nice shirt or v-neck sweater will do.

Now you’ve got your appearance sorted out it’s time to focus on how you will want to act during the date itself. Perhaps ‘act’ is the wrong word since you’ll actually want to behave in a natural and honest manner. The important thing is to find a balance between being self-effacing and overconfident. Films like Drive have shown us that women seem to go crazy for a guy who will spend minutes on end staring at them and occasionally uttering monosyllabic responses. However not every man is able to be quite as suave as Ryan Gosling so you should probably try opting for a more human approach. Try asking a lot of questions, and be sure to actually listen to the answers. Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself, but also make sure you don’t come across as an idiot. Try to make your date laugh – being naturally funny really helps but if you lack this talent then at least come up with a few funny jokes and anecdotes since humour is a great aphrodisiac.

When the date ends, and it is time to part, you can risk going in for a smooch if you feel like it’s the right thing to do. What Will Smith’s character in Hitch has taught us is that you should lean in about ninety percent and then see if your lady friend is willing to cover the remaining ten percent. If she does not, then retreat! Retreat!