You would think that child and parent bonding would be something natural that is already present. That is not the case. A bond must be built from the time your child is a baby until they are an adult. Children are very sensitive to their parents and form a bond through a series of events and actions throughout their lives.
1. Read

Reading is not only a great way to bond, but it is educational. Your child will not particularly care about what you are reading unless they have some favorites already. The point is that you take the time to sit with them and go through a story with them. Even if you are just flipping through a picture book, it will allow you to be close to your kid.
2. Sing
Either sing together or sing to, your children. Let it all go and have some fun. It doesn’t matter how off-key you are. If you don’t know the words to the song, make some up. Take turns making up your own verses to the music. If you are musically inclined go ahead and play a song while you both sing out loud. Is the dog howling at you? Good, that means you are having fun, all of you.
3. Color
It is not necessary to even have a coloring book to put some color on paper. Draw shapes or landscapes and then shade them or paint them. The way that you and your child color are not as important as doing it together.
4. Arts and Crafts
Get your creative juices flowing and make some art with your child. Make it match the season. If it is fall, use dried leaves to make a colorful collage. Summertime means water and cooling off, so make a fountain or build a fishpond in the back yard. Just don’t forget to add the fish.
5. Photographs

Who doesn’t love posing for a picture. Let your face and body do the talking and have fun. Take turns being the model and being the photographer. Inside. Outside. It simply doesn’t matter where you are if it is somewhere that you both feel safe enough to be crazy.
6. Dress up
Kids of all ages like to dress up. Meaning anything that is not theirs. Swap clothes around so you are wearing someone else’s wardrobe. Once again, your children will not judge you for putting on a pair of loose jeans with suspenders holding them up to your chest. Laughter truly is the best medicine, and one of the best ways to bond.
7. Cook or Bake
What is better than making food to eat? Not much. Take some time to teach while you are cooking up a batch of brownies. Always incorporate some type of easy learning if you can.
8. Shopping
Shopping can be a chore to some, but an absolute blast to others. Depending upon you and your child this could be a bonding adventure on a Sunday afternoon.
9. Movies
Sit down with your kid and watch some movies. Not the blood and gut types that you are used to, either. Load the Disney Channel if you have it and watch a good family adventure.
10. Games

The one that you all have been waiting for. Boardgames, cards, mobile, computer, console, or even made-up games. This is the best way to have fun with your child. Visit this site for educational games for children to take care of two activities in one.
11. Park
Go hang out at the park together for an afternoon. Take the dog, the cat, the neighbor’s kids, or all of them. Don’t go so you can sit down and watch. Get up there on top of the jungle gym and get dirty in the sandbox.
12. Garden
Plant some flowers or vegetables. If you already have some growing, go take care of the weeds and bugs together. If you don’t have the room for such things many communities have a shared garden that you could go help with.
13. Hike
Going for a long walk in the fresh air of the wilds is an amazing bonding experience for you both, as well as with the land and air around you. If you are not close to an area that has hiking trails, walk around your neighborhood.
14. Fishing
Catching a huge fish is an adrenaline rush like no other. Even if it is not huge. Take the time to fish together. Preferably go to a kids pond or an area where you know they can catch something.
15. Swimming

Since you are already by the water you might as well hop in and cool off. If you prefer chlorinated water, take a trip to the nearest pool or hot springs.
16. Kite
Go fly a kite. The bigger the better. Make sure that you have a breeze that will help lift the kite. Not a hurricane or tornado wind.
17. Bike Ride
Jump on the bikes that are sitting in the backyard and go around the block a few times. Have a race or two, just do not run into any parked vehicles.
18. Car Wash
Put on some shorts and water shoes and get the hose out. Wash your car and be prepared to get wet.
19. Drive
Since the car is clean you might as well use it. Go for a drive around the town. Cruise on the highway or go bouncing around in the mountains.
20. Trip

Turn your drive into a small vacation. Kids love seeing new places and interesting things that they are not accustomed to. Their minds are sponges waiting to be filled with knowledge.
The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights states that playing is the right of every child. Play can be defined in numerous ways, but for the context of this article, we will define it as any activity that is designed for fun, without the stress of having to be serious. The one thing to remember is to have fun. The sky is the limit when it comes to playing with your child.