Geeks are surrounded by gadgets and pressure to stay on top of their game in the race for having the best pieces of technology out there. Most of the time that means having to be surrounded by all kinds of gadgets, that most of the population isn’t ready for. So whether you’re a geek looking for the best new gadgets out there, or you’re simply buying for your geeky boyfriend, here are the 5 gadgets all geeks must have.
1. Gaming Keyboards

Having to use a standard, non-mechanical keyboard for gaming is considered to be a very unsatisfying experience at best. The frustrations that come with standard keyboards are getting worse and worse by the day. So why not get gaming, mechanical, keyboard the next time you decide to rock that CS: GO?
Gaming keyboards are specifically designed to improve your gaming experience, and they come with useful features that further enhance your gaming experience. Just check from extra buttons for specific macros to mechanical keys that don’t break every time you rage quit, gaming keyboards are gadgets that all geeks must own.
2. Smartpens

Source: Pinterest
Smartpens are the types of gadgets that increase your geek credibility. Using a keyboard is fine for most people, but not for geeks. Smartpens will become a thing in a few years time, so why not own one now so that you can have the bragging rights later on? Not just that but smartpens are designed to be useful in a few things such as refine sketches, makes writing easier and quicker, you can add tags and classes with it.
3. Smart Chessboard

Source: ChessBase
All geeks love to play chess, or they at least appreciate it for what it is. But a new type of gadget has emerged on the geek market that will make you look like Bill Nye down at the geek club. Namely, smart chess is now a thing, and smart chessboards have emerged as the newest, coolest, thing on the market. If you want to know more about smart chessboards and how they work, click here.
4. Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Source: Best Buy
Tell me a person that doesn’t use headphone? Whether that’s for PC use, or when you’re riding the subway to work, headphones are becoming a part of our lives. The cities we live in can be a pain in the ears. All that noise from car honks, dogs barking, noisy neighbors, and even nagging bosses, noise-canceling headphones are a thing that will put everyone on mute. This piece of technology allows you to mute all the things you don’t want to hear, all while listening to your favorite music or podcast.
5. Solar Backpacks

Source: Inhabitat
Since most of the technology we own requires electricity to be powered up, would you be interested in a backpack that can take care of all your charging problems? Geeks tend to stay indoors because they are perfect electrical outlets. But what if you can carry an electrical power station that can power all your gadgets on the go? Well, with solar backpacks that can become a reality. Solar backpacks are an amazing combination of technology with the everyday convenience of backpacks. They have small solar panels and charging ports that can be used to plug and charge any device you own. These babies are not that expensive at all and can cost as little as $100 and as much as $400.