Everyone knows that plagiarism is a completely unacceptable thing in all areas. Therefore, this phenomenon is constantly being combated at all levels, including the legislative process. Plagiarism also exists in education. Sometimes it may be hard to accomplish writing assignments on your own, but that’s not the reason to copy the work of others. Students who struggle with academic writing always can visit Essayassistant.org.
More than once, teachers were faced with the tricks of students who did not take their studies very seriously, but at the same time demonstrated a fairly good knowledge of the use of search engines, finding essays on a variety of topics on the Internet. Of course, some teachers often turn a blind eye to this, but there are also teachers with principles.
Naturally, as a result, the question arises, how do such variations with writing assignments come to the surface?

Source: DW
And everything is quite simple. There is an “Anti-plagiarism” system. All universities actively use this tool when checking the quality of academic papers. This tool provides users with a set of services for checking texts for direct borrowing from Internet sources.
Technically, everything is checked using this system, which uses unique algorithms that are specially developed by scientists. Thanks to this, it is possible to carry out an effective and very fast search on the network for directly borrowed fragments from other people’s texts.
The main goal of the system is to improve the quality of education. The developers especially note the positive impact in those areas of the educational process where a creative approach is needed in writing term papers, which is quite logical. After all, for works where accurate calculations or the use of formulas are required, the copy option is not very suitable. The same cannot be said about creative disciplines.

Source: Shorelight
The Anti-plagiarism system was created to encourage students to write texts independently, and not to use so-called copy-paste.
I must say that during the time from the beginning of voicing the idea of implementing the system until today, the project has made quite a lot of noise in the media. “Anti-plagiarism” has been repeatedly analyzed and discussed. And the absolute majority of opinions agreed that the idea is very effective. And as a result, the number of thoughtlessly copied texts has significantly decreased.
All the advantages of this system are obvious. But as practice shows, it is sometimes problematic to write a good abstract on your own, at least because of lack of time. It is no longer possible to download the finished abstract since it is too risky. What is the way out of this situation? There is an opportunity to order any type of student work from professionals. For a reasonable fee, you can get a good academic job and acquire knowledge at the same time. After all, there is simply no sense to take the material without first familiarizing yourself with it. Otherwise, the presentation of the work will fail with a huge probability. And the most important thing is that the written work must be checked for uniqueness before it gets to the customer. It follows from this that the risk of repeating some information is unlikely and even impossible, so without any doubt you can go to protect your work, having studied the written material well.

Source: Create Online Courses
Almost in all universities, you have to pass the academic papers first before you can start an internship. That’s a great motivation for students.
In recent years, internships abroad have become increasingly popular, which is not surprising. After all, this is a unique chance not only to improve your knowledge of a foreign language but also the most effective way to improve your professional skills, as well as get invaluable work experience in the specialty that interests you.
It is for this reason that internships abroad are in demand among students and young professionals who are seriously concerned about their careers, obtaining prestigious and highly paid positions. An internship in large foreign companies can become the key, thanks to which a young specialist will be able to achieve rapid career growth, improve his social status.
Even a short-term internship allows you to diversify your resume and increases the likelihood of hiring.

Source: Plagiarism Today
Naturally, most people get their diplomas in their native country, but the problem is that after graduating from university, large companies will not want to accept a young specialist who has just graduated from a university for a prestigious and highly paid position. And if you also attach a certificate certifying the completion of an internship abroad to your resume, the chances of success will increase significantly, because the manager will understand that the person has completed the entire course of training not only from the theoretical but also from the practical side, which will allow him to better navigate in a difficult situation.
An internship abroad is a special type of training, during which a young specialist applies his knowledge in practice. However, each country organizes the internship in its way.
People who have completed an internship abroad, as noted, are better adapted to constantly changing working conditions.
For example, in the USA and Australia, a young specialist can start his duties immediately, while in the UK he will be asked to take a theoretical course beforehand, improve his knowledge of English and, of course, familiarize himself with the norms of the country’s legislation. And only after that, he will be allowed to start performing his duties. It should be noted that his distribution will depend on how well he passed the first courses. In addition, some internships may be paid by the employer, while others may not. Of course, many people were surprised by this. After all, in this case, a young specialist can show his potentially future employer what he is and what he can show after hiring him.

Source: StartupGuys.net
Conditionally, internships can be divided into three groups:
- In the first type of internship, a young specialist pays for the internship independently but does not receive any salary. The need for such internships may seem doubtful, if not for one moment. The fact is that there are a great many specialties for such internships: this includes banking, economics, programmers, design, chemistry, and construction… At the end of the internship, a young specialist is awarded a certificate that allows him to apply for nice jobs even in foreign companies. Similar internships are possible in the USA, Australia, and the UK.
- The second option of the internship is suitable for those who want to be abroad and it does not matter where they will work. They mostly have to work in restaurants and hotels. At the same time, they receive a salary. In practice, there are many internship options, especially if a person is engaged in a related specialty. Such internships are possible in the USA and Australia.
- The third option of the internship is called ” Study+Work”. This option is suitable for those students who are not allowed to receive a salary during the internship in the countries where they will be interning, for example, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The internship is available in the form of so-called sandwich courses when the training course is combined with a paid internship in a restaurant or hotel. This option is especially attractive for those students who are studying in related specialties. For example, the hotel industry. During the program, the student takes a 4-week foreign language course, during which he attends interviews with potential employers. During their passage, he finally decides on the place of work and starts working after the courses. The salary may or may not be paid, as mentioned above. After the internship, the intern returns to the courses, where he improves his knowledge of the language and prepares for the report on the internship.