The world of video game is more getting bigger every day and that is why the number of players is increasing. Within these user / players we find everything, sporadic players, fans of video games and even professional players in the sector. This added to the immense typology of games we find a great diversity of players.
Well, a common problem among video game players is that at a certain point they see or feel a kind of stagnation in their performance or skills as a player; that is, they feel that their abilities as a player do not improve.
Beacuse of that, today we will help you with tips on how to improve your skills and which games are best for that…
Practicing is the key
Repetition is the mother of all learning. The best athletes in the world are at the top because of the all out effort at every practice. Let’s be aware that, because it is a video game, it does not mean that it does not require practice to be amazing.
Although it is not a physical training, working the skills will require the same time as any other sport. And if we also look for an adapted monitor the eyes will be protected from fatigue after long practice sessions. Because each battle is the definitive one and to win the war you must always be prepared.

Source: COOP Gaming Club
Choose your game
Game strategy needs us to keep all our attention. The players of ‘Dark Souls’ know this: all the first hours are just hours of practice, trial and error to move forward in the future.
If our goal is greatness, let us not be stopped by any electronic component, starting from the monitor, the key element. The standard models do not have technologies such as eye-tracking. Aim. Shoot. Run. Our eyes and intuition are our best weapons.
To play with a computer where a keyboard and a mouse are used, we must know which keys perform each function. Peripherals are determining. And the use we give it, too.
Normally the game manual will give the key information. We must spend time knowing all the buttons and what actions they perform, so that we do not waste time executing the appropriate movement. You should aim at a low latency of 1 ms, mouse, joystick or steering wheel will be perfectly synchronized to the game played on screen and we will reduce possible delays for a more accurate experience.

Source: ACI Worldwide
Adapt your skills
There’s no need to get frustrated if we don’t get it right the first time: be patient and take your time to find out what you may be doing wrong to improve. Any coach educates with this mantra and falling is a good way to avoid doing it again. When we reach the highest level, we should not go back to the basics and repeat it again.
Check out the real pros
Following competitive tournaments or broadcasts of professional players does wonders for personal development. They know the secrets of success. They are not only exceptional players, but they are also a source of resources to learn the latest tricks, strategies, etc. In cases like ‘League of Legends’ or ‘DotA’, they are a source of huge knowledge. Ask yourself, what is it that makes them so good and what am I not doing?
Study them and review the videos in a timely manner, every time you watch them carefully you will learn something new. Also, this will give us a great advantage when we play competitively. Professionals often move so fast that it is easy to miss crucial details.
1. WoW

Source: DualShockers
Let’s start with the most popular. The complexity and possibilities are so great that you will improve all your gaming skills, but also some that will benefit you in real life. But due to the complexity, it is also necessary to watch a lot of tutorials and follow the professionals as they play, so that you can make the most of it. Start by reading and find out what WoW Classic carry is, why bundles are used, etc.
2. Legend of Zelda

Source: Nintendo
The backbone of many games is solving puzzles. From opening the door, finding objects, improving your character, etc. Very often they can be very complicated.
For that reason, if you really want to be a serious gamer, you have to play Legend of Zelda. Because it inspired almost every title from that and many other geners. Logical and many other puzzles and riddles are waiting for you to solve them. And when you finish them all, you can be sure that everything you encounter in video games will be easier to solve.
3. Dark Souls

Source: comtradeshop
This legendary title will improve your various skills, and perhaps the most patience. And that is necessary to be a gamer. RPGs and MMORPGs are probably the most popular genres at the moment. So the patience and hard work you learn in Dark Souls will be able to apply to a variety of other titles, such as the legendary The Witcher. You will have to come up with strategies, be methodical and never give up. But we are sure that once you enter that world, you will play all three parts and all the extras.
4. Tetris

Source: roadtovr
You may be surprised that this is on the list, but think again. Where you can better practice how to cope quickly and make quick decisions. You will often encounter sudden and unexpected events and you will have to learn to react in a heartbeat. Whenever you have to press a button quickly and it will decide the success of your mission, you will remember Tetris.
5. Super Meat Boy

Source: rightnowintech
When you want to practice a certain skill, it is not good that the way you practice is always similar, because instead of skills, you will only develop a certain pattern that the brain will remember. This is where Super Meat Boy will help you the most. Although it is a retro looking game, it is the best choice if you want to learn precise movements. It’s also getting harder as you cross the level so you won’t stagnate. Don’t be discouraged if you are unsuccessful at first. It’s a game that requires a lot of effort, but it will pay off in the end. And twice as much. It will entertain you a lot and improve your gaming skills.
With all these tips, we are one hundred percent sure that you will notice significant progress. And of course, in the whole process, don’t forget to have fun!