Being the most populous city in Australia and the larger Oceania, it is no surprise that teams flock to Sydney’s buzzling city to partake in team building exercises. With access to gorgeous sandstone cliffs, pristine sandy beaches, nature walks and breathtaking views, Sydney is known as the Emerald City. One of the perks of being a populated city, with gorgeous landscapes, is the abundance of beautiful conference venues. If you have ever organised a team building event in Sydney, then you would know how spoiled for choice you are on venues.
Here are our top three favourite indoor venues for team building events.
- Novotel Darling Harbour
- Hyatt Regency
- Hilton Hotel Sydney
Below are our top locations for outdoor events in Sydney.
Pirrama Park is one of the best locations to host an outdoor event in Sydney. It is free to use but your wallet isn’t the only thing that will benefit from Pirrama. It is sheltered from most directions and has barbeques & picnic areas if that is what you and your team fancy!
The Royal Botanical Gardens Tarpeian Lawn is not as light on your budget, but well worth it for the beautiful views of the Harbor & the Sydney Harbor Bridge!

Best Team Building Activities Sydney
Now that you’ve found your perfect event location in Sydney. It is now time to select from the best team building events offered in Sydney!
Best Indoor Team Building Activities Sydney
If you are looking for a unique activity for your team, to challenge their problem-solving skills, and get them thinking outside the box, then Escape is perfect for your team! Taking only 30 minutes to set up, Escape can be held in hotel rooms, villas, offices or conference rooms at your headquarters. The room will be set with a variety of puzzles designed to challenge your delegates. Can your team solve the puzzles, crack the code, and escape the room in time?

Lego Serious Play
Being the most populous city, with a strong economic background, Sydney is the best location for more serious workshops and team building activities. You might be thinking, ‘what does the kid’s toy, Lego, have to do with business?’ Lego is just the medium that is provided for teams to workshop issues or ideas. Used by Lego’s corporate group for years, Lego Serious Play allows teams to brainstorm innovative ideas, make representations through physical storytelling, and workshop issues related to business goals. Lego Serious Play is a more proactive and engaging way of forming connections, building trust and community than a one-sided presentation at a conference.
The Pitch
Your employees are at the front line of your business. This means that they are subject to encountering issues firsthand. Exposure to these issues is often the catalyst for creative innovations. Much like the TV show Shark Tank, The Pitch will see your group split up into teams. Each team will be allocated time to create a new idea, whether that idea benefits the business or if it is a totally new venture, that’s up to you! The teams will then pitch their new idea to the managers at your company who will give out (hypothetical) money to invest in each team’s business! The team with the most amount of money invested wins.

Team Masterpiece
If you are looking for a team building event that will provide the notion of working together as one-team then team masterpiece is perfect for your group. Art is one of the most underrated forms of communications. Delegates can embrace their creative side with this event as they paint a visual representation of your chosen motif and a strange figure that they must include in the painting. Once all the paintings are finished it becomes the challenge of piecing them together like an odd jigsaw puzzle. Once all the pieces are together the ‘bigger picture’ of being one team becomes clear as the final message is displayed through the artwork.
Helping Hands
If your team is based in Sydney, or anywhere in Australia, you will know how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful, country with access to free healthcare. Unfortunately, we are one of the few places who have access to safe healthcare. There are over 2000 landmine accidents a month and over 75% of those result in the loss of a single limb. These landmine victims can lose their way of earning income, providing for their family or their access to education, which is a basic human right. Helping Hands is a program where your group will construct prosthetic arms for landmine victims. Each team will empathise with the victims. To understand a fraction of what the amputees endure as they construct the prosthetic one handed. Your teams will also provide a personal touch by adding a note and designing the case that the prosthetic is shipped in.
Best Outdoor Team Building Activities in Sydney
Beach Olympics

If you’ve ever been overseas, and told people that you live in Sydney, what is the first question they usually ask? Of course, they ask about Bondi and if the beaches really are as sandy and pristine as they look in photos. You say yes, because its true! Sydney beaches are gorgeous and what better way to entertain your team with some fun in the sun on a beautiful beach in Sydney. Mini beach Olympics will see your group split into teams, or rather ‘nations’ to compete for gold! You can select what team building games would be the best depending on the physical capabilities of your group. Example games: beach volleyball, catapults, bamboo towers and eddy the egg.
Water Taxi Treasure Hunt

Name a better way to see the sights of Sydney Harbor, (nicknamed the Emerald City because of it gorgeous blue water), than on the harbor itself! The Water Taxi Treasure Hunt will have the wind in your hair and the warm sun on your face as your travel across the gorgeous harbor. At each stop off point your team will complete a team building challenge in order to jump back on the taxi to get to the next location. You can even tailor your start and finish locations. Start close to your conference venue and finish up at a bar for a few well-deserved beverages.
Risk Vs Reward
Evaluating Risk Vs Reward is a vital skill for anyone to have. How does this team building event teach your group about evaluating risk, and build problem solving skills, connection, and trust? Well, each team will be given a sum of money, that they distribute between certain team problem-solving, lateral thinking challenges with different rates of return. At the end of the event each team’s business will present their total funds and provide an account of their overall performance. Did the team work well together and stick to their plan or was it a case of one bad decision after another? The total funds achieved will determine the overall winner of Risk versus Reward.
The City Scramble

If you don’t want to devote too much time running around the urban centre, (or your worried about the capabilities of your team) then this team building activity is for you! The City Scramble is a modified version of the Amazing Race challenge. Whether you are tight on time or budget the City Scramble has you covered. Perfect for urban areas, your team will race around the city to roadblock challenge location sites and compete in problem solving lateral thinking tasks. Building trust, connection and creating neuropathways for innovative thinking while making fun memories for the whole team!
Project Pipeline
Often the thought of splitting up your group into separate teams can seem counterproductive if you are looking to inspire, connect and build foundations of trust for your group. As this is not the case with most team building activities, it is certainly not with project pipeline as your time work together to achieve a single goal. Your group will be split up into teams at the beginning to construct their own section of the pipeline. Teams will have to manage personnel, time and resources to complete their section of the pipeline in time. Then teams will need to work together to join each section to make a working pipeline.
Now you are ready for your next team building event in Sydney! Choose from the locations listed and select your preferred team building event to start building connection, trust and problem-solving skills for your whole team! Check out the team at BeyondTheBoardroom if you want your team building day taken care of.