- Beyonce is naked in a hammock and lovely as usual. Here’s her latest batch of Tumblr photos to be jealz of. Yes, Blue Ivy is in them. [Socialite Life]
- Which witch is your girlfriend? Find out if she’s more of a Glinda, a Bellatrix, or a Sabrina. [Modern Man]
- This gay couple figured out a way to get married in Oklahoma even though it’s illegal. Good work. [Newser]
- Watch this video of 100 men responding to the question: Why are vaginas important to you? Loaded question. [Hello Beautiful]
- Before she was dating John Mayer, Katy Perry says she had a major crush on him. I find that so hard to believe. [Celebuzz]
- On the psychology behind creating a sex spreadsheet. For most of us getting on in age, it’s merely a matter of our failing memories. [Nerve]
- If your man needs a bit of training, like your dog, here’s how it’s done. NOT OFFENSIVE AT ALL. [Betty Confidential]
- Use these quick fixes to trick the world into thinking you’re sexier. [Cracked]
- If you must text your ex, make sure your message does not include any of these things. [iVillage]
- Shia LaBeouf naked, if you dare. [Evil Beet Gossip]
Original by Ami Angelowicz