You know that thing where people pretend that bisexuality is a myth, especially for men because how could anyone possibly be attracted to more than one gender, especially men for some reason? Yeah, well, according to a Pink News, a new study from Deakin University says not only do male bisexuals exist (obviously), they’re actually better partners and parents. Boom. It’s a thing! Study said so!
The study involved interviews with 78 Australian women from the ages of 19-65 who were currently in or had previously been monogamous, open, and polyamorous relationships with bisexual men.
These interviews found that women who were dating bisexual men reported “emotional depth, sexual intimacy and equitable gender dynamic of their mixed-orientation relationship,” with some claiming they couldn’t see themselves dating heterosexual men again because the bisexual men they dated were that great! Which is a far cry from the tired cliches about bisexual men being promiscuous or secretly gay.
Dr. Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli from Deakin’s School of Health and Social Development gave a statement about the findings, saying, “Through this research and book it is my hope that we can stop presenting only the stereotypical story that all bisexual men are untrustworthy and have secret affairs; that all bisexual men transmit HIV and STI to women; that all bisexual men are abusive to their women partners.”
Pallotta-Chiarolli adds that by declaring that research shows “bisexual men make better lovers and fathers,” the stigma against bisexual men can hopefully be lifted, which is long overdue.
As the stigma against bisexual women (who have long been mocked by both heterosexual and queer people for not “picking a side”) decreases, it would be heartening to watch the same shift happen for bisexual men so they can feel readily lovable and women can feel safe (and maybe even prefer) the idea of being with them.
That would be a pretty cool world.
Original by Lane Moore @hellolanemoore