Liposuction is a surgical process used for removing unwanted fat in a small amount to reshape a given body part. It is not a technique of losing weight but is a method to slim and sculpt different body areas. It is best for people having an ideal weight, consume a healthy diet and regular exercise but are incapable to melt the localized fat pockets.
Types of liposuction
Tumescent liposuction, UAL, and SmartLipo, all the techniques use a cannula, a thin-hollow tube that is joined to a vacuum. The vacuum suctions fat from the designated body part.
- In UAL, sound waves penetrate under skin rupturing fat cell walls and liquefy it to suction out.
- In SmartLipo, the laser is used to liquefy fat and then suction it out.
- In Tumescent liposuction, a sterile solution is injected in the area marked for fat removal. The solution includes saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine. This makes the fat suction process easy with less pain and blood loss.
All three techniques are minimally invasive procedures that can fix an array of body parts. Dermatologists just make a small cut in the designated fatty area and insert the cannula. Along with the suction process, the dermatologist also shapes that area to obtain the best possible results. If you are looking for the best liposuction center in Big Apple, You can visit click here.
Areas that can be reshaped
Double chin

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It means excess fat in the neck and chin areas, which causes a fold. The person looks like he/she has two chins. This generally happens due to overweight but it can even be noticed in people having normal weight too. It will help to enhance the angle definition between the neck and chin.
Buffalo hump
Just like the term, it indicates an unusual fat deposit on the upper neck and back. It is generally a result of steroid treatment, overproduction of specific steroids in the body and obesity. In some cases, this fat deposit can be removed with the help of liposuction.
Bat wings
Arms get flabby because of fat or loose skin. If it is due to fat then liposuction can help but in case the skin is very loose then it needs a more involved process called Brachioplasty or an arm lift.
Male breasts

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Male chest enlargement or gynecomastia causes it to look like breasts. Man boobs or moobs occur when the male chest area has excessive fat deposits. It helps to lessen the appearance, which can be because of steroid usage, marijuana, hormone imbalance or obesity.
Female breasts
Women with fatty breasts but no droopiness are eligible for this procedure. In case, the breasts are sagging then liposuction will worsen this condition. Moreover, dense breasts are not suitable for this treatment, but fatty ones are. Old breasts are fattier and they turn droopier due to age, especially the large ones. Breast lift is the solution for saggy breasts.
Bra fat
In her back part, you may see some fat roll/s in extreme cases. The fat gets pronounced, when she wears a bra. It can be resolved wearing a properly fitted bra. If the skin is not stretched too much, then liposuction can be performed efficiently to eliminate the excessive fat. If back skin is stretched then bra line back-lift treatment will be necessary.
Belly pooch
Belly pooch is fatty pocket localized at the lower belly part. It is different than potbelly, which is the cause of excessive weight. Belly pooch occurs in people with normal weight and they are a suitable candidate for this treatment.
Love handles

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Fat located on abdomen sides and extending on the back are called love handles. Getting rid of the fat in this area is hard even for people with normal weight. Men and women both suffer from love handles, which can be reshaped with this unique cosmetic treatment.
Muffin top
When fat on abdomen sides spill over your shorts or pants waistband, it appears like edges of muffin top. Women usually experience muffin top, which can be easily eliminated with liposuction.
Bruising, swelling and numbness instantly after the process is common and temporary. The small cut will also vanish with time. After the surgery make sure to follow the doctor’s instructions strictly, so that your results can last long.