As we age, we may begin to experience hair loss more and more. Whether it is for genetic or environmental reasons, hair loss is no fun. Bosley and Nioxin are two popular options when it comes to treating hair loss. Bosley is Nixon’s main competitor, and both of them are catered for people who are suffering from either hair thinning or hair loss. Nixon is newer than Bosley but is also is more costly.
In this article, we will go over each one of these products so you can make the best decision when purchasing your next hair recovery solution.
Bosley vs Nioxin
Even though both products are intended for the same purpose, meaning, hair loss, they act very differently. Here are a few differences between Bosley vs Nioxin:
- Bosley is a whole program that includes laser therapy, hair replacement, and shampoo products
- It is more expensive than Nioxin. Both the shampoos and laser therapy are more costly than what a regular Nioxin treatment would cost
- Is a more invasive approach reason for which is the reason why it should be considered mostly in cases where hair loss is severe
- It is usually more effective than Nioxin
- Nioxin is a program that also treats hair loss, but it only includes a shampoo, conditioner, and hair treatment.
- It is cheaper than Bosley since it doesn’t include laser treatment
- Should be considered in cases of either mild or moderate hair loss
- It can be less effective than Bosley
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Breaking it Down
If you are considering to buy either Bosley vs Nioxin, you should take into account the comparison table shown above. It is advisable to consult a doctor to know what type of hair loss do you have (mild, moderate, or severe). Once this is taken into account, then you can proceed with your decision.
Remember that Bosley includes laser therapy, which may or may not fit your budget. If you are really desperate about your hair loss situation, then it is a brand to consider using. Also, while there are many people who have reported success in their hair loss approach with Nioxin, there are others that don’t.
That being said, in terms of a cost-benefit relationship, you should take into account all factors as we said before.
1. Cost
When it comes to Nioxin, their cleaner costs $25, which is also a reasonable price to pay for shampoo. Taken into account that Bolsey also offers laser therapy and hair replacement, the total cost of the program can be more than $10,000, which is a good investment to make if you feel really bad about your hair loss situation. However, if you don’t really care much about it and have mild hair loss, then Nioxin is the solution to make.Â
Hair loss shampoos usually cost around $20. There are many different Nioxin products available in the market. Some of them cost anywhere from $15-45, making them a viable option for this purpose.Â
Winner: The winner is Nixon since it costs a fraction of the cost of that of the Bosley system and still delivers excellent results to some patients.
2. Customers’ Reviews
When it comes to Bosley, the situation is similar. Clients either love it or hate it. This is because some of them have recovered from their severe hair loss effectively. Others have even incurred in debt to pay for the expensive treatment without having any significant results. Given the fact that hair loss has multiple causes and factors, treating it can be tricky. For this reason, there is no single treatment that offers 100% positive results when it comes to treating this condition.
In terms of user experience, Nioxin has divided views. Some people have found it effective while others have said they have lost their time and money.Â
Winner: The winner is Nioxin. They have many 5 star positive reviews from people who probably never thought they could ever have their hair back again.
3. Final Recount:
Bosley wins in terms of effectiveness when treating severe hair loss. However, it loses in terms of cost as the price to be paid for the full treatment with this system is more than ten times the price one would pay for the Nioxin hair loss system.
Bosley offers low-level laser therapy services aimed at promoting cellular activity and more blood circulation. This helps in stopping hair loss and also recovering already lost hair.Â
Nioxin wins in terms of cost, but it loses in terms of effectiveness. However, you can get a reasonable deal if your hair loss isn’t severe. Nioxin works by removing oil from the scalp when using them. This way, hair growth may be promoted.
This is because an oily scalp is full of testosterone and DHT dihydrotestosterone, which are thought to be possible leading causes of hair loss in men. Hair thinning is also a problem for aesthetic purposes. Fortunately, both Bosley and Nioxin offer treatments to treat it.Â
Final winer
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Final Verdict
Hair loss is not a good condition to have. While it may not pose any risk to human health, in this ear of high beauty standards, it is an unfavorable thing to possess. As we have seen above, two popular solutions for hair loss are the Bosley and Nioxin hair loss systems. Each one has its own unique set of features and approaches.
While Bosley is intended for mild to moderate hair loss, Nioxin is meant for severe hair loss. However, the latter can be more costly than the first one. Our final verdict in this regard is that Bosley is the winner. Many people who are just starting to lose their hair can opt for this treatment. In fact, those who have already experienced chronic hair loss may start with Bosley first to see if that works for them.
Since the investment made is minimal, they can switch to Nioxin afterward in case Bosley isn’t effective for them. Bosley vs Nioxin: Bosley is the winner, according to us.