After 11 years of marriage, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie got divorced. Brad Pitt has spoken about his relationship with Jolie, and he said, that despite the fact that he apparently isn’t an expert on relationships, he would probably do something different if he got the chance. He also shared some pieces of advice for all men who have intentions to stay married.

Source: SheKnows
- Always take care of your wife.
- Work on loving yourself.
- Fall in love with your wife over and over again.
- Focus on what is best in her.
- Don’t change her.
- It’s not her job to make you happy – you have to do it yourself.
- Never yell at your wife. Even if you are angry for something she did. Still, that anger is yours and yours only.
- Just stay with her: in good and in bad.
- Don’t be constantly a serious and a difficult man.
- Give her attention every day.
- Don’t be an idiot!
- Let her or make room for her to rest.
- Be vulnerable in front of her. She is your wife.
- Always be honest with her.
- When she grows, you grow. Always learn, learn, learn…
- Never look back at the past, and don’t blame her for old mistakes.
- Always chose love! Marriage is not that sentence from the fairy tale ‘’and they lived happily ever after.’’ Every marriage has its ups and downs. Marriage growth, like your own, is something you must work on every day.

Source: Pursuitist
Source: informer.rs