Purchasing a puppy can be really life-changing, and most of the times this decision alone creates a lot of healthy habits in your life. All of a sudden you need to wake up earlier and go on a walk, which is great both for you and the puppy, then you meet new people who are also pet owners and the list goes on and on… Needless to say, it’s a great thing to have a life companion, and you know what they say about dogs, they are a man’s best friend.
There are numerous different races that you can choose from, and each one of those has some ups and downs. For example, if you are heavily into fitness and you’re looking for a companion that you can run with every day, there are breeds “created” specifically for that purpose. If you want a puppy that’s perfect in every sense, then you need a corgi. Here are some of the things you need to know about corgis before you purchase one.

Source: Pinterest
- 1. Corgis need something to do on the regular
- 2. They are easy to groom so that’s not an issue
- 3. Corgis are extremely alert, so your neighbors may not be very happy
- 4. They are not very friendly but not hostile to other animals as well
- 5. Corgis like to get off the leash and cause some shenanigans
- 6. If you are allergic to hairs, maybe a corgi is not the right choice for you
1. Corgis need something to do on the regular
Corgis are puppies that get easily bored. If you are not the type of person to dedicate a lot of attention to your corgi, then they won’t be really happy with that outcome. Ask anyone who owned a corgi before and they’ll tell you that these dogs are constantly seeking for something interesting to do. They are so fun to be around but you have to keep them entertained. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean that you should spend your entire day playing with the corgi, but you definitely don’t want to skip that daily fetch session. When a corgi is bored and has extra energy, they can start doing some shenanigans.

Source: Pets4Homes
2. They are easy to groom so that’s not an issue
Corgis are really easy to groom, and it seems like they don’t care when you take them to the dresser for this particular cause, which is not the case with other dogs, not at all actually. Some breeds really dislike the idea of being groomed, but corgis are perfectly fine with it. On top of this, their fur is really easy to manage, but unfortunately, it takes some skill to perfectly shape the fur of a corgi. Otherwise, they’ll just look really silly.
In case you are interested in getting a corgi for yourself or your children, barhfarms.com is a website where you can learn some more and take your pick.

Source: Dog’s Best Life
3. Corgis are extremely alert, so your neighbors may not be very happy
On first sight, corgis are really cute, small and friendly. But, you shouldn’t underestimate their ability to act as watchdogs. They are extremely alert and they let you know about anything suspicious that may be going on, except sometimes they find unsuspicious things suspicious if that makes sense. Needless to say, they bark at anything that’s not familiar to them, and if they hear your neighbor in the middle of the night, they’ll bark at them as well. This is why we don’t really recommend corgis for people who live in an apartment. The neighbors will eventually start complaining about the barking unless you really train your pup to be quiet.

Source: Dog’s Best Life
4. They are not very friendly but not hostile to other animals as well
Corgis are like that one friend who always needs a lot of time to accept someone new in the friendship circle. Once they realize someone is their true friend, they’ll love them to death. But, if corgis dislike someone, they really dislike him, up to a point where a problem might occur. You’ll notice that your corgi won’t be really friendly with stranger dogs at first, but if that goes on for some time they may become friends. It will take time though. Also, it’s a bad thing to expect that your corgi will get together with just about any dog. They know how to fight as well, and yours most certainly will if you are trying to “force” a friendship.

Source: Love Me Do Photography
5. Corgis like to get off the leash and cause some shenanigans
If you are a believer that all dogs should be taken in the outdoors but without a leash, then you’ll have some troubles with your corgi. They are true escape artists, and as soon as you give them the chance or let loose, they’ll start sprinting and they won’t stop. The worst thing about this? When you start chasing your corgi it becomes a game for them, so either prepare to run a long time or make sure that leash is tight until you are absolutely sure that your corgi is disciplined enough not to run away.

Source: Wag!
6. If you are allergic to hairs, maybe a corgi is not the right choice for you
Last but not least, we mentioned that corgis are easy to groom but that doesn’t mean that they don’t shed a lot. If you are allergic to hairs or you simply dislike finding huge piles of hairs while cleaning your carpets, maybe a corgi is not the best option for you. They shed a lot. But, this is not much different with other breeds as well, so we can’t really call it a downside. After all, it’s what you have to deal with when you decide that you’re about to purchase a pet. Especially if you live in an apartment and not a house with a large backyard.
Buying a corgi puppy can be the best thing that you’ve ever thought about doing in your life, but don’t rush before you check out these six things we listed above. It’s really important to know what you’re getting into. Although corgis are the perfect puppies for most people, there are still some things that you need to prepare for. Prepare for the friendliest animal you’ve ever had, but also the one that sheds a lot and is really alert when it comes to other people passing near your territory. Corgis are amazing.