Science has made a lot of progress in every field, and the area of chemistry has also seen a development. Over time, a number of chemicals have been invented which give a lot of advantages in the research work. But there are some of the chemicals which are extremely dangerous to use for a normal person that their usage can prove to be fatal for people. Still, many workers use such chemicals in their daily work risking their lives to get the job done. Here we have the list of often used but deadly chemicals available in the world which requires a lot of care when used.
Ethylene Glycol
Ethylene glycol has a simple formula, and it is present in cars as an anti-freeze agent. It is easily available and cheap to get. What makes animals and pets attract towards this chemical is the sweet smell so you should keep it away from the reach of animals as well as kids. Its consumption might lead to a death and the process takes place slowly. It takes around 72 hours for a person to die as it damages every organ slowly which is too barbaric for us to even imagine.
People often confuse these with Ethyl Alcohol, but they are very different. Ethyl Alcohol is relatively safe and found in many wines which are healthy for human consumption according to and its report on healthiest wines.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide is another dangerous chemical present in the chemistry labs as well as our homes. Although the chemical we use in our homes is of less concentration and does not cause much harm. The high concentration of hydrogen peroxide is used as a rocket propellent. Being extremely volatile in nature, it can lead to an explosion with just a gentle push. So, it should be used in work very carefully especially if it is of high concentration.
Tabun exists in the liquid form and has a sweet odor that can be used in the form of mist. It can cause muscle contraction and even lead to paralysis. Unfortunately, it has been used in wars. Tabun in itself is not a deadly compound, but its development can lead to producing toxins such as ricin and soman which are extremely deadly in use.
It is the most non-peptide based poison available in the world of chemicals. Batrachotoxin came into existence through its use in poison dart from frog excretions. The production of Batrachotoxin in frogs comes through digestion of Melyridae Beetles which frogs eat.
Fluoroantimonic Acid
Fluoroantimonic Acid is the deadliest acid present in the world with the highest pH value among all acids. It is so dangerous that it can melt the skin in seconds. The only use it has in the chemistry labs is the production of carbanion ion in the hydrocarbons. It is kept in Teflon casings because it is highly reactive in moisture and can easily lead to an explosion. Fluoroantimonic acid is 1 billion times more acidic than the acid present in our stomach and can lead to serious fallout if not used with proper care.
So, these are some of the deadly chemicals available in the world. All these chemicals are used by the experts and should be kept away from the reach of an amateur.