The regarded appliance is designed to maintain a certain temperature balance of any device, equipment, or room. It can be used in various activities. Aggregates are classified in various ways.
Thanks to the device, users no longer have to waste time on temperature control. If the cold water supply stops, the thermostat will react by automatically shutting off the hot water supply, which makes it impossible to get burned. If you need the thermostat, you can buy it here.
Types of products
Different types of mechanisms are found on the market. To begin with, they distinguish programmable and non-programmable devices. Below, let’s see the most popular ones.
Smart devices

It is a subtype of programmable electronic products for your house. It is connected to the home’s optimized energy system and functions as an element of cooling and heating systems. The thermostat is a device that regulates the operation of an electronic or mechanical system to maintain a given room temperature. Modern devices have been improved. A smart aggregate has innovative features. It is equipped with microprocessors to adjust temperature settings (and other parameters) in an automatic mode, maintaining different microclimate conditions in the house at different times of the day.
Non-programmable products

This type of element maintains the air temperature in the room at a set level. It cannot independently change the set values. These products are usually installed in a bathroom or toilet.
This is the simplest way to control both underfloor heating and heating systems. Both programmable and non-programmable room products are wall-mounted.
Wi-Fi mechanisms

It is a digital programmed appliance. Its main difference is that users can control the aggregate via smartphones. The product perfectly supports iOS and Android devices. To manage the mechanism, it is enough to download an application. All the necessary parameters will be indicated in it. users will be able to control the temperature anywhere and anytime.
This type of product is widely used in such systems as a “warm floor” and a “smart house”.
Above, we mentioned either programmable (smart and Wi-Fi) products or non-programmable ones. A programmable device, unlike a non-programmable one, is able to provide heating in the most optimal way for a person. It can be programmed to turn on and off by setting the parameters convenient for the user. For instance, underfloor heating can switch on at defined morning hours, and at specified evening hours.
Tips of choosing the right thermostat

If you plan to install a “smart house” technology or want to make your living more comfortable, keep in mind the following tips to choose an appropriate option.
The type of product is the first thing to decide. Above, we mentioned not all of them. But even the listed options deserve attention. Think about the way you want to control the thermostat. And then choose the most suitable option.
For what purpose do you seek the device?
Different types of products are designed for different objectives. Find out the temperature at which the mechanism should work. It all depends on the field of use. Will the part function at positive or negative temperatures, under conditions of heating or cooling liquids, etc.? The device can serve to prevent overheating in radio electronics. In this case, it is important to know the critical temperature.
Its design.
The set of functions for models of different brands is approximately the same. So, in such a situation, you can focus on the design of the thermostat and how much it will suit the interior of your bathroom. In the lines of modern manufacturers, various models are available. You’ll find collections of different styles, from classics to fashionable modern options.
Installation requirements are no different from standard mixers. It is only important to understand where the water supply will come from. A hot tap should be on the left, and a cold one is on the right. This is generally accepted. If they are mixed up, the thermostatic sensor may not work at all.
It happens that the pressure in the water supply networks differs from the one set on the thermostat during manufacture. It means that it still needs to be adjusted correctly. To do this, you can invite a specialist or do everything yourself. You just need to remove the protective cover and manually adjust the required value by rotating the handle and observing indicators on the thermometer.
Filter choice.
Water in each region, city, and country is different. Thus, everyone needs to use special filters for thermostats. They will prevent the equipment from failing and extend its service life. This condition is necessary not only for a shower with a thermostat but also for any other mixer, even a kitchen one. Do not forget to change them sometimes.
Fields of use

The field of application is diverse. Earlier, they were used for various physical and chemical studies. Products are characterized by a greater number of benefits. Thus, now they are widely used in modern equipment:
- In mixers. They can be installed in a water mixer to maintain a predetermined level of water heat without drops.
As an addition to the gas boiler. The room device is used to automatically adjust the operation of gas boilers that heat the room. - For adjusting the underfloor heating system. This is a mechanical or electronic device that is used for floor heating systems and allows functioning only until the required temperature is reached.
- Auto thermostats are used in engine cooling systems. They allow the engine to warm up faster and then help maintain the required temperature without overheating. Such devices extend the life of the engine and reduce the number of engine breakdowns.
Choosing the thermostat is a difficult task, which includes all stages from selection to installation itself. The mechanism will serve you for a long time and improve the quality of life, as well as save a lot of money and the natural resources of our planet.