Investing in motorcycle gear might seem like a waste of money and time, but it is the investment that is completely worth it unless invested in the right place. So, there are some rules and tips you should keep in mind if you want to get the best motorcycle jacket and get the best from it. Mistakes can happen from anyone because of thousands of options in fabric, style, type, and whatnot. In this post, you will know the mistakes to avoid while choosing motorcycle riding gear, for long trips. Well, it goes for short trips too!
Mistakes to avoid
Seek for best fitting, function, and fashion in this order, and you’ll get the best gear, keep these three “F’s” in mind. Try not to make the following mistakes.
Choosing poor safety gear
With so many options you can spend too much, so to avoid that keep in mind safety and protection. Just get what is important starting with a helmet, glasses, and move on to the jacket, chaps, gloves, and boots. Each one of these is important and not to be ignored. With the passage of time, you can add more accessories as you like. For beginners as well as experienced riders, the above-mentioned motorcycle gear is just enough to protect you while riding. You can checkout motorcycle jackets at as they have quality gear available at the best prices.
Be aware even if you are experienced mistakes can happen, so focus on what is important.

Source: gasnroads
Determining priority
Protection level, functionality, style, ventilation, thermal layer, pockets, and a lot of other features are considered when choosing gear. There is one in a million chance that you will find all of these in one item. So, it means you have to leave some in order to get some features. So, the basic rule is to prioritize what you need most and go for the item or gear that has prioritized features. Even if you want every feature, you still have to prioritize. As, if you find gear with all buy the one that has better-prioritized features.
Gear is different for every type of rider, like cruiser and chopper bike riders would not be as comfortable and secure in gear meant for sports bikes. Identifying your type of riding and buying gear specific to that will help you in getting a better ride, comfort, and protection.
Gear material
The material of gear is important if you want protection. The debate would on and on, but we all know leather is better abrasion resistant than textiles, textile itself is not any less though. But of course, every material has its pros and cons. If you are going on long trips, the chances are that you will face the rain. In those conditions’ textile is a better choice than leather because leather can get heavy and itchy as it absorbs water. It can transfer its dye on you and take a long time to dry. Oh, don’t you worry, leather does soak water, eventually?

Source: rideapart
Ignoring rain gear
Don’t ignore or leave your rain gear behind. If you do not want to carry one, then there are jackets available on sites like ThrottleBuff that are waterproof, we are not talking about leather. Mostly on long trips 99% of the time there is rain. What would you lose if you carry rain gear with you?
Night visibility
Reflective panels help others see you and protect you from incidents. The large panel is better, but piping also helps. Make sure you have these, especially during night driving.

Source: richmondhondahouse
Not carrying a helmet
Most of the riders like the feeling of that fresh air on their faces and hair blowing with it. As much as you like it, it is dangerous not wearing a helmet. Head protection is more important than other parts.
Chaps are for rookies
Chaps are not only for rookies well-experienced riders need it too. Don’t you like your legs the way they are? Legs and hands bear most of the abrasion.

Source: venommoto
Over or undersized gear
Gear that fits is the right one, over or undersized gear won’t do much when the time comes. You don’t even look good in those. Get and wear protective gear that is true to your size.
Testing out new gear
Long trips are not the time to test out new gear. You are not used to it, don’t know if it’s worth wearing on long trips, and later the trip or tour it can be irritating because of a little piece of thread. On the other hand, worn-out or ripped gear is also not appropriate.
How to avoid those mistakes
Keeping in mind the following, you can avoid common mistakes when buying motorcycle gear. The following are the things you should look for when buying motorcycle gear.

Source: motorcycle
Proper snug-fitting, neither too tight nor loose, neither oversized nor undersized, and this goes for each riding gear. Try it on once and move around to be sure. Keep in mind and choose to size accordingly if you would wear layers underneath. The adjustable waist and sides are always good. Even if the right size is restricting movements leave it there and then.
Look for proper protection as it is basic and important. Just protection from abrasions is not enough to go for CE approved armor. More areas the armor covers better protection. Level 3 CE approved armor is best with Level 1 least. Not only jackets but pants are also armored.
Padding protects a lot, but if absent, it’s not much of a big deal. For jackets, elbows, shoulders, spine, and chest are areas to protect while for pants, knees, and hips are the focus. Check if the armor and padding are properly placed removable armor is good but not mandatory.
Wearing the proper safety equipment while on the back of a motorcycle is so important. Unfortunately, no matter how safe you are on the back of a bike, it’s impossible to control other drivers on the road. If you do find yourself in an accident, be sure to reach out to the experienced motorcycle accident attorneys at Marks & Harrison for help.

Source: gearpatrol
Triple stitched seams always have less chance of getting ripped than single stitched. Smooth and clean finishing is just an add on. For boots ankle protection is a must, if you already have one without it then half chaps are your friend, don’t go buying another just now.
Steel shank, shifter pad, toe protection, and properly stitched not just glued are minor but important things to take notice of. Ventilated jacket with zippered openings on the chest and back are basic. Arms vents add more value. Don’t know how much emphasizing it take to make you all realize that every piece of gear is important.