Whether you just started playing Outriders or if you enjoyed the demo version back in February, you’ve probably spent some time staring at the class selection screen, trying to determine which one you should opt for. And, since this decision will influence the rest of your game, you’ll want to carefully choose the character category you’ll operate with.
This is why you’re probably wondering – are there some tips for choosing an Outriders hero? Simply said, there are, and the best thing that’ll help you determine what you should pick is to learn more about the classes you can play with. Luckily, this is exactly what we’ll discuss in this article today, so, without further ado, let’s take a look:
1. “The Devastator”

Source: Wccftech
Pros: Can Sustain Mass Damage; Awesome Powers
Cons: Ineffective at Long Range; Quite Slow
If you look at the four categories, you’ll notice that this one has the slogan “close range tank, stand your ground”, which is basically how this hero functions. As mentioned, they do have additional health and armor, which means that they can sustain mass damage from their enemies.
There are also some amazing powers that are all fun to use. For instance, you could use ‘Earthquake’ that’ll unleash a powerful shockwave damaging your rivals or you could use ‘Tremor’ that’ll set a few explosions, deal damage, but more importantly, it’ll drain the enemies health.
Also, the characters in this section will heal when they slaughter enemies, which means that you’ll want to get as much combat as you can. Keep in mind, opting for this class will be demanding since you’ll need to stay alert at all times, but, if you like using shotguns and if you don’t mind taking damage instead of your team members, you should definitely opt for this category.
2. “The Technomancer”

Source: Inverse
Pros: Amazing Support Abilities; Great For Long And Mid-Range
Cons: Bad at Close Combat; Decay Powers Are Weak
Although this category is referred to as a support class, you could still opt for it when operating alone or with a team, but, this will only work for you if you prefer to deal with your enemies from a distance. Like all the other options, you’ll drain the health as you go, and if you’re ever in danger, you can use ‘Cryo Turret’ that’ll turn your enemies into ice.p
Besides the skill that’ll turn your enemies into ice, you could also choose to use the ‘Fixing Wave’ that’ll regenerate health to all of your team members or if you want to deal some serious damage, you can opt for using ‘Scrapnel’ that’ll also interrupt your rivals powers when caught in the blast.
If you like using diverse skills and if you enjoy supporting your team members throughout the game, you can opt for this category. Remember, you won’t be capable of getting into close combat, instead, you’ll need to deal with your enemies from a distance. There are also amazing boosting services such as the ones featured on Lfcarry.com for this class, so, consider them as well.
3. “The Trickster”

Source: Gamer Journalist
Pros: Great Build For Larger Enemies; Diverse And Fun to Operate
Cons: Early Deaths Are Common; Difficult to Nail Down
If close-range is what you like, close-range is what you’ll get by choosing this option. This particular hero is capable of handling time and space for eliminating rivals and they’re quite technical to operate, mostly because it’ll take you longer to master the hero than the rest of the classes on this list. However, it’s still worth the satisfaction you’ll get from the combats.
It’s incredibly fun to operate a hero from this group, mostly because there are some really amazing abilities to opt from. For instance, you can use ‘Hunt The Prey’ for teleporting yourself behind a rival or utilize the ‘Cyclone Slice’ if you want to send Anomaly blades towards the foes.
If you’re interested in experiencing close-combat and if you want to gain diverse skills that’ll help you throughout the plot, you should certainly opt for this option. Keep in mind, you’ll need more time for leveling up, so, if patience isn’t your strongest characteristic, it might not be suitable for you.
4. “The Pyromancer”

Source: Reddit
Pros: Perfect for Mid-Range Combat; Great For Groups of Enemies
Cons: Bad at Short And Long Range; Bad at Using Powers When Enemies Are Close
Last on our list, but equally fun to operate is the Pyromancer category. You can think of it as a ‘Mage’ class since the abilities you’ll obtain relate to fire and they’re best used at mid-range, mostly because using your skills with this option in close combat can leave you in a dangerous position.
As we mentioned, the skills are all related to fire, which means that you could, for example, choose ‘Feed The Flames’ that’ll pick up and pull a foe close to you, or if you want something a little bit more fun, you could opt for ‘FASER Beam’ that’ll shoot energy beams that’ll deal some serious damage.
If you enjoy characters that are skill-focused, you should definitely opt for playing with a hero from this option, mostly because you’ll be capable of gaining a wide range of fire-related skills later on in the game. Additionally, the powers you’ll get cannot be matched with any other class, so you might want to consider this option.

Source: PLAY! Zine
So, What Should I Pick?
To be completely honest, the class you choose to play with for this game Outriders will completely depend on your preferred gameplay style and characteristics of the heroes you play with. This is why you had to learn more about the heroes you can play with, especially what you can gain from each of them since this is exactly what will help you choose. Keep in mind, you’ll also want to consider your gaming skills and opt for a category that’ll suit them. Each of the options needs more or less time to level up, hence, you’ll also want to think about that fact.
There are four classes that you can choose in Outriders, all of which have their own characteristics, skills, and powers. Depending on your skills, as well as your preferred style of playing, you’ll certainly be able to choose a hero that’ll suit your needs and requirements.
So, now that you’ve learned what classes you could opt from, you might not want to lose any more of your time that you could use for gaming. Instead, determine which hero might be the most suitable for you, choose it and then enjoy endless hours of fun alone or with your friends.