While people have the habit of thinking that developers have an easy job, where they are nurtured by their employers, we can see that this is not true. There are many reasons for that. One of the most obvious reasons is that they need to meet certain deadlines, which are now an irreplaceable part of every company. Otherwise, they can face some consequences.
Naturally, they will not be always severe, but we are talking about consequences nonetheless. Since avoiding all of them is not possible, minimizing all the mistakes is something that every company wants to achieve. One of the ways developers can do that is by implementing static code analysis tools. Static code analysis is used interchangeably.
The reason why it is used this way is that it can provide crucial insights into all the weaknesses in a code. By fixing them, the code will become much more powerful and effective. If you would like to take an insight into the concept of static code analysis, be sure to visit codescan. Now, let us take a look at some of the tips you can use to implement static code analysis tools much smoother and effectively. Let us take a look at some of these tips.

Source: Parasoft
1. Disable Loud Rules
Sometimes, a certain violation may repeat itself numerous times. However, we can see that not all of them are crucial to the quality of the code. The reason is rather simple, the tool you have chosen has some standards that need to be met. Therefore, some of these are simply unnecessary.
However, that doesn’t mean that the tool you have chosen will not point it out numerous times. From our experience, we can see that some developers are not prone to change their way of work. So, it would be a good idea to disable them or put them on pause. That way, the process will be much smoother.
2. Allow Violations Sometimes
As you know, no process in the world doesn’t have any kind of exceptions. Ignoring these exceptions can cause quite a lot of problems down the road. So, you can see that allowing some of these exceptions to pass is an important feature. Once again, every tool has its standards, which are sometimes not irreplaceable.
In situations where you are looking at something, but you are not interested in taking a look at some of the reported problems, you should allow some of them. Not only that it will enhance your focus on more important things, but it will also save quite a lot of time you would waste on unimportant things.

Source: DEV Community ????
3. Enhancing Security
Any developer in the world knows that many security issues are faced during this process. Thankfully, you can implement static code analysis to make the code as secure as it can be. How this can be done? Well, you can find all the mistakes that can be the cause of a security breach. Surely, this is one of the most important things to do.
Some developers argue that combining a couple of different tools can provide them with the ultimate security. However, we can see that this is not necessarily true. Finding the one that can provide all of the crucial preventions will be more than enough. So, the key is to come across the most capable tool, which can help you with this kind of process.
4. Rule Customization
One of the most significant pieces of advice we can provide you with is to take rule customization seriously. Only by doing that, you will be able to overcome some of the biggest problems. The reason is quite simple. Every project is different and not all of them will have a different kind of solution. So, customization of rules you have in front of you is an absolute must.
Of course, this is something that every developer will need to do on their own. The reason is that every tool comes with its configuration. Naturally, the developer will be able to save the changes and apply them in the future. When you adjust these rules to your way of work, you can expect a much smoother process.

Source: PMR Press Release
5. The Consistency
Of course, every developer in the world has its own strong and weak points. We are not robots, aren’t we? With that in mind, it is important to come with a set of rules that a team of developers will follow. Surely, this doesn’t mean that their creativity will be put on hold. Instead, we are talking about coming up with rules that will ensure consistency.
You can take a look at it as some kind of automation, with a touch of creativity inside it. Making the best possible combination will surely have massive positive effects on the development process. Be sure to come up with this set of rules before you start working on a project.
6. Prolong Some Solutions
With every project you are working on, there are priorities. Certainly, you don’t need to waste time on parts you can complete later. The reason is obvious since we are talking about large projects, every segment will have its deadlines. Therefore, focusing on these can be more important sometimes.
Therefore, some popups cannot be considered crucial at a certain period. Therefore, you should skip them for now and prolong some solutions. That way, you can be focused on priorities. Just talk with any developer out there and you will understand how big of a problem something like this can be for them when they are in a hurry. Surely, they can address these problems later.

Source: DZone
In Conclusion
Since there are so many different things that can go wrong when working on a code, it is crucial to have some static code analysis tool that will serve as a correctional factor. However, just having them implemented inside a code will not solve all of the problems you can come across. Because of this, we’ve provided you with a couple of tips that can make this kind of tool much more effective and adjusted to your liking.