If you’re currently converting, or currently considering converting your home to solar, you’re doing so at exactly the right time. Not only are the latest solar technologies improving the quality of the solar equipment, but solar panels and accessories are also gradually becoming more affordable (this is great news, right!). In this short guide, we want to offer some advice for homeowners, as well as reasons why you should at least be considering solar as an alternate energy source for you and your family.
The Basics
For those looking to invest in solar panels, and want to know a little bit more about the technology behind them, this is for you. Solar panels work by using photovoltaic cells; although this might sound confusing, it essentially means they take the natural sunlight in and convert it into usable electricity. Rather than over-paying energy suppliers for energy, solar panels give you the flexibility to harvest your on energy, use it, or sell it back to the grid. The benefits of doing this can have a positive impact on the environment and your wallet.
Now let’s talk about the conversion process. To start, we should first address some common misconceptions regarding the process of converting to solar. Firstly, the improvements we mentioned in equipment means that solar panels are now extremely efficient at working even during cloudy weather conditions. Of course, you’re always going to see the best results when the sunlight is shining directly onto the panels. However, it isn’t the case that solar panels ‘don’t work’ when cloudy (if anybody says this to you, show them this guide!).
Img source: livingoutli.orgAdditionally, we should also note that you don’t have to spend thousands on converting your home to solar. Not only can you invest in solar accessories and convert your home bit by bit, but you also have opportunities to lease solar panels and solar equipment. The solar water heater cost has come down in price substantially (research online to see if you can find providers near you!).
Benefits of Converting to Solar
Why should you consider converting to solar? Let’s look at some benefits below!
• Savings – Perhaps the biggest and well-known benefit of converting to solar is the reduced energy bills you’ll enjoy when all is said and done. Since you won’t be relying on energy companies quite so much, you won’t have to pay for their service. Instead, you’ll be producing large amounts of energy yourself; you can thank the sun and its light for the money you’ll save…money that can be spent elsewhere (or saved, of course!).
• Carbon Footprint – To produce the energy we use in our home, energy suppliers burn valuable fossil fuels and other non-renewable sources. Unfortunately, the planet is eventually going to run out of these resources. With solar energy, you can reduce your carbon footprint and your reliance on fossil fuels. If we all did this, the planet would have a fighting chance in the years ahead.
• Home Value – By investing in solar, we should also mention that you’ll be adding significant value to your home. According to SolarMelon.com, installing a small solar panel system will add an additional $18,000 in value, on average, to your home. Nowadays, many buyers are looking for efficient homes for the above reasons so why not take advantage of this? As soon as your house goes on the market, you’ll get your investment back.

Img source: roxaboxenminicastle.com
Getting Started
How do you get started with solar energy? How would you convert your home to solar? First things first, we recommend allowing a professional to assess your home and the potential your home has for solar energy. With an energy audit, they can identify energy inefficiencies in your property and suggest solutions. After this, they can also tell you how well your home would perform with solar panels.
If you don’t quite have the investment for solar panels just yet, we recommend looking into leasing. This can be a great way to take advantage of all the benefits we’ve discussed, but without spending thousands of dollars. Similarly, you could also consider the more affordable solar generators and solar accessories.
Going solar is the way forward… because it benefits everybody!