The sweatshirt, as one of the most comfortable pieces of clothing, is one of the most bought in shopping malls. Whether it is with a hood or without, a crop-top variant, or one below the knee, they are all equally popular. Considering that there are a large number of designers and manufacturers of sweatshirts on the market, customers often have a difficult task when they need to choose the right model for them. The deciding factor, in this case, is the design or mockup. At first glance, the design of these garments doesn’t seem complicated, but in fact, a lot of work and inspiration of the creators is behind it. Those companies that have the most creative designers have the best chance of achieving successful sales. But, in addition to that, many other tricks should be taken into account when creating sweatshirts.
If inspiration is the only weapon you’ve had so far it’s great, but some little tricks could also be of great help to you. And in moments when you are completely uninspired, you might be able to seek help and additional ideas at But first, take a look at the following tips.

Source: Unsplash
1. Think about the concept first
No project can be realized without a previously well-developed idea. This is also the case in this case, especially when you take into account that the idea alone isn’t enough to create a unique creation that will attract the attention of every customer. That’s why you have to plan every step.
First, think about what kind of design you would like. Then consider a few variations from which you will choose the one you consider most appropriate. Think about what material you need and in what quantity. Remember that you must also have a plan B in case you fail to realize what you have planned.
2. Consider the details
You should continue the planning process by working on the details. The details should be in line with the color and model of the sweatshirt, but at the same time interesting and powerful enough to attract the attention of customers. the more masterfully realized the drawing part, the greater the sales success can be expected, because clients always show great interest in this aspect.
An interesting image or drawing that can be analyzed and observed for a long time can be a complete success. Still, try not to overdo it. Any exaggeration can cause a counter-effect. Sometimes the simplest design models can be enough to make an impression. So, think about how to find yourself somewhere in the middle.

3. Define the target group
The next step is crucial and requires you to define the target group to which you want to dedicate your creation. What a Sweatshirt mockup will look like will depend solely on who you want to sell it to. There are several factors you should take into account. This may seem like an obvious item, but don’t forget that there is a trend that girls love to wear men’s hoodies, and then your task can become more difficult.
Ask yourself for a moment if you would like to sell hoods to men or women, children or adults? This will help you define your target market and more closely determine the type of design, mockup color, and more. Take a person from the environment who could belong to your target group as a model, so remember what trend could attract that person, what looks modern for them, what colors are appropriate, and all other parameters.
4. Let your humor be appropriate
Funny design is always a good choice. Everyone will want to wear a hood designed to make their friends laugh. But some jokes won’t be entirely appropriate. However, bad humor on the sweatshirt can make it much cheaper and such a creation could definitely affect the loss of interest among customers.
But that doesn’t mean you should ignore humor. Such details are always welcome as long as they are properly arranged. Proof of this is some of the most popular brands whose funny mockups are unique on the market. So don’t forget to include this factor in your plans, but don’t overdo it.

Source: Mockup World
5. Choose colors
When planning the perfect mockup for hoodies, you must pay special attention to the choice of colors. To achieve the best possible visual effect, you need to match the colors in the right way. This is the detail that first attracts the eyes of the customers, and depending on the impression it leaves, the customer will approach that hanger or not. So pay a lot of attention and time to choose the color.
Ideas can be varied, depending on whether you want to follow trends or want to create a unique design. If following trends is what you want, then some pastel or neon colors might be a perfect choice. Either way, you can experiment and let your imagination run wild.
6. Pay attention to the choice of printer
It would be a good idea to consider some final steps at the outset, such as choosing a printer. Otherwise, it can happen that you carelessly ignore it, which will result in worse final quality than expected. And that would be a real shame after so much effort.
After all, you can contact one of the companies that can provide you with such services. Hire one of these and ask them what equipment they use. If it suits you, don’t forget to include the costs of these services. These should be trusted partners who will treat your product with care.

Source: Renderforest
7. Keep up with the trends
One of the basic rules is to always be one step ahead of the competition but in line with trends. Social networks can be a good source of information about what is currently fashionable, but spice up your design with a personal idea and inspiration. It’s the only way to attract interested glances but to stay unique and one step ahead of the rest.
Such mockups can affect the achievement of perfect sales results. Let existing ideas and trends be your inspiration, but avoid copying as long as you want to stay in the game and become a brand.