A night of drinking can lead to a pounding headache, nausea, and weakness the next day. These are hallmark symptoms of a hangover. On average, these symptoms can linger for up to 24 hours or more. With this, knowing how to cure a hangover fast should be in every binge drinker’s toolkit.
Since hangovers are commonplace, there are countless hacks that every person swears by. And if you’ve been desperate for a hangover cure, you have probably tried a few before.
In this post, we will talk about common hangover cures and which of them truly works. We also discussed the fastest way to get rid of the effects of alcohol.

Source: altamirarecovery.com
How does a hangover happen?
A hangover is the body’s response to the ingestion of alcoholic substances. When you drink alcohol, it will trigger the body’s defense responses.
In turn, it will cause the blood sugar levels to decrease and the stomach acids to overproduce. This is also accompanied by delayed stomach emptying, thus bloating and nausea.
Other hangover symptoms include dry mouth, sweating, anxiety, thirst, muscle aches, and sound/light sensitivity. It can also widen or shrink your blood vessels to dangerous levels.
The more alcoholic beverages you drink, the stronger the hangover will be. Still, each person has varying tolerance to alcohol. Some may get severe hangovers while others are lucky enough to just experience minor discomfort the next morning.
Most cases of hangovers last from 8 to 24 hours. However, there are instances when the symptoms may stretch to 72 hours and might be indicative of alcohol poisoning.
If you’re experiencing seizures, fainting, dulled responses, and low body temperatures, you must seek a doctor immediately. These are tell-tale signs of alcohol overdose, which can turn deadly in a matter of hours. Take note that no home remedy can cure this condition, so you shouldn’t waste time.

Source: health.howstuffworks.com
Common hangover remedies
There are many hangover remedies that you can try. Most of them provide relief and help combat the symptoms slowly.
The following are the commonly used cures for hangovers:
Liquid IV. Although it’s called an ‘IV’, liquid IVs are, in fact, oral solutions. It’s usually in powder form mixed with water. Depending on the brand, this comes in different formulations and flavors. Surprisingly, liquid IVs aren’t made for hangovers. It’s actually meant for fast hydration, which makes it helpful for alcohol aftereffects.
Sports drink. Many drinkers swear by sports drinks in curbing the onset of hangovers. The likes of Gatorade, Powerade, and Pedialyte can reduce dehydration-related hangover symptoms. However, sports drinks can only do so much when it comes to alleviating your discomfort.
Red ginseng. According to a small study, red ginseng can help reduce hangover symptoms. Results show that red ginseng can reduce plasma alcohol levels, which can relieve hangovers.
High-carb snack. Bland food items rich in carbohydrates can provide relief from nausea and weakness. You can munch on salted crackers, toast, banana, and applesauce. You can also sip some bouillon soup to replenish your electrolyte levels.
Plenty of water. Lastly, many heavy drinkers swear by gulping down glasses of water to fight hangovers. This is very helpful since many hangover symptoms are due to dehydration. However, water alone isn’t enough to combat your symptoms. You still need to restore your lost electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals.
In this case, you should consider the next solution we recommend.
Important reminder: The so-called ‘hair of the dog’ is not effective nor helpful in curing hangovers. It can even make your condition worse. This fad involves taking more alcohol in the morning to cure hangover symptoms. There’s no way hangovers can be treated with the same substance that caused them in the first place.

Source: hangoverclub.com
Fastest hangover cure: IV therapy
While the above remedies help cure hangovers, they offer slow results. It’s because such remedies have to pass through the digestive system.
This translates to slower effects, varying absorption rates, and even the risk of worsening your alcohol-irritated tummy. And if you’re throwing up, these oral solutions will provide limited relief.
So what’s the fastest way to treat hangovers, then? The answer is hangover IV therapy.
You can find out more at https://ivconcierge.com/hangover/
This intravenous infusion is packed with hangover-fighting vitamins and minerals. It’s also a good source of amino acids and antioxidants that will help jumpstart your body.
This infusion will replenish your body’s lost nutrients due to alcohol consumption. This treatment will also lower your blood alcohol levels to provide immediate hangover relief.
Since the hangover drip is administered intravenously, it won’t pass through the digestive system. This translates to almost-instant results and up to a 100% absorption rate.
Moreover, hangover IV drips can also reduce alcohol withdrawal symptoms for those who regularly drink. These can also be mixed with NAD to aid with alcohol addiction recovery.
If you’re looking for a reliable provider, IV Concierge is the smart choice. We will help beat your hangover symptoms fast, so you’ll have the energy for the day.