When it comes to relationships and dating, we often focus on finding someone who shares our hobbies, interests and values. And one of the things that today’s singles seem to truly care about is the environment. According to a new study by the social discovery chat game Magnet, developed by Social Discovery Group’s corporate venture studio SDG Lab, the environment and the impact of climate change are a top concern.
Conducted among 1,000 users of the app, the findings revealed some fascinating insights. For example, more than 63% of respondents said they were concerned about increases in pollution throughout the world. This reflects a growing trend in society, with people across the globe taking a proactive stance on climate change.
Moreover, the study found that over 66% of respondents believed that changes to the weather are due to global warming.
“Climate change has become a pressing issue in today’s world, with devastating consequences ranging from hurricanes to wildfires,” said Tony Jacobs, CEO of Social Discovery Group’s game. “By acknowledging the impact human activities have on the climate, app users are taking a significant leap in voicing their attitudes towards sustainable living.”

Source: medium.com
How do These Beliefs Impact Dating Preferences?
Having shared beliefs can be a great way to build intimacy. If two people share a love for the environment, they’ll likely have a fun time when participating in discussions or activities related to the issue. This can create opportunities for couples to bond, share experiences, and spend quality time together.
When asked if they would date someone that isn’t concerned about the environment, one of the study’s respondents said, “I think it’s important to be able to have conversations with people who don’t share your views. It helps you to see both sides of every issue and to better understand where other people are coming from. However, for me, it would be a deal breaker if someone didn’t take global warming as seriously as I do.”
It’s important to note, however, that having divergent perspectives on some issues or topics is not necessarily a weakness in a relationship. Different perspectives can create opportunities to challenge yourself and broaden your horizons of thinking.
As a different respondent explained, “I think it would be really boring if I only dated people who shared my views. I like being challenged and learning new things from the people I date. Besides, dating a nonbeliever is a golden opportunity to convert someone.”
Couples with different perspectives can learn from each other and grow in understanding. Naturally, if one person is passionate about protecting the earth, he/she may help the other understand the impact that can be made with small behavioral changes that eventually lead to environmentally friendly habits.

Source: kids.lovetoknow.com
More to Consider
While the participants’ environmental concerns were noteworthy, there was an unexpected finding: 87% of respondents were carnivores. Meat consumption has long been linked to environmental degradation, including greenhouse gas emissions, water depletion, and deforestation, among others. Interestingly, the trend of carnivorous diets remains despite most respondents’ concerns about climate change, highlighting the challenges of creating sustainable consumer behaviors.
Despite this, the findings of the study indicate that there is hope for creating more sustainable consumer behavior. With the rise of social awareness, individuals are beginning to take responsibility for their impact on the environment. And by using technology such as dating apps to bring more people together around this important topic, it is possible that greater change will happen.

Source: pexels.com
The Methodology
The data for the study was collected via one of the app’s core features called “Daily Buzz.” Every morning, each user receives a trending, hot icebreaker question to help make a connection. Questions range from light-hearted topics such as “Is Elvis still alive?” to more serious ones like “Are we about to see the end of social media in America?” These icebreaker questions help foster connections between people looking for deep and meaningful conversations. And if two people find common ground and vibe with each other, they get the opportunity to see each other’s real photos, which is something that sets the app apart from others.
“The Daily Buzz feature encourages meaningful conversations that start from genuine opinions about the latest happenings in the world,” said Tony Jacobs, CEO of the social discovery chat game. “And by creating an environment where people can express themselves freely without fear of judgment or ridicule, we’ve created the perfect litmus test for human behavior. That’s what makes our research so authentic.”

Source: eventindustrynews.com
Wrapping Things Up
By highlighting individuals’ attitudes toward the environment, the study emphasizes the growing importance of climate change to people worldwide. It also shows that some people are willing to use the power of technology and attraction to try and change others’ attitudes and behavior patterns. While there remains a lot of work to be done when it comes to creating sustainable consumer behavior, the study’s findings offer hope that positive changes are ahead in the future.